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AR-P Generate Dun Letters
Purpose of Program
Use this program to automatically generate dun letters for customers with overdue invoices. You can create a series of progressive dun letters and have the program select the appropriate dun letter based on the oldest invoice in terms of days past due from terms.
NOTE: You cannot send a dun letter to a customer unless the customer is first set up in the Contact Accounts file in the Contact Manager. You can easily do so via CM-K Add Customers to Account File. If you leave the from/thru Customer Code fields blank, all customers that lack a Contact Account record will get one added, thus insuring that dun letters can get printed for any customer.
General Program Operation
If you want to print letters, enter an N in the Print Labels? field. If, after letters are printed, you want to print labels, change this field to a Y, rerun the program, and labels will be produced that correspond with the letters.
You can limit the letters selected by entering a from/thru range of account codes.
Next, enter your form letter criteria. For example, you might enter 90 days in the left hand column and a form letter code adjacent to it. This means that if a customer has any invoices that are more than 90 days past due (from the terms due date), the customer will receive this particular form letter.
You can set up a hierarchy of form letters, each corresponding to a greater number of days past due. You should put the highest number of days first, then the next highest, and so forth so that there is a descending number of days in the left hand column.
The program reviews each customer's AR Transactions, locates the oldest past due invoice (as aged from the terms due date), then sees if that invoice fits the first form letter criteria. If not, it tests the second form letter criteria, and so forth until it finds one that matches. It then marks that customer to receive that form letter and moves on to the next customer.
The form letter table does not clear itself and always displays the last entries. Therefore it's usually set up only once, unless you make changes.
Press F10 (or click on the Save button) to begin the processing. If you had specified label printing, you will be asked if you want to print labels on a dot matrix or laser printer.
As letters are printed, each customer's Last Dun? field in AR-A Enter Customers is updated with the dun letter code and letter date.