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DC-E Print Labor Tickets
Purpose of Program
Use this program to print bar coded labor tickets as an alternative to WO-E Print Labor Cards/Labels.
On each labor ticket is a bar code for the work order number and a bar code for the sequence number. If you are reporting labor via labor tickets, there is no need to print bar codes on the shop travelers.
Labor tickets are normally printed in advance when the shop traveler is printed. Extra labor tickets beyond what may be actually needed are printed so that plenty are available during production. The shop traveler and labor tickets are usually placed inside a plastic jacket, commonly referred to as a shop packet.
When an employee goes to work on a routing sequence (operation), he is handed the appropriate labor ticket. The labor ticket is scanned on the bar code reader when clocking in and clocking out of the sequence.
With labor tickets there is no danger that the wrong sequence gets accidentally scanned, which could happen with a bar coded shop traveler.
General Program Operation
Enter a from/thru range of work order numbers. If you enter just the work order prefix, all work orders beginning with that prefix will be selected. Enter the number of labor tickets to print per operation. More tickets than are likely to be needed are usually printed so that tickets will not run short out on the factory floor. At the end of the work order, the unused tickets are thrown away.