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IN-A Inventory Inquiry
Purpose of Program
This program provides an all purpose inquiry on a specific inventory item. Data fields displayed include product type, stock unit of measure, category, item class, last cost, average cost, standard cost, inventory value, base price, selling unit of measure, purchase unit of measure and conversion factor, lead time, reorder level, reorder amount, revision level, drawing number, and stock location. Inventory status is displayed for on hand, on sales order, on back order, on purchase order, on work order, allocated, and in work-in-process quantities.
From the inquiry screen, you can click on buttons to view open and closed sales orders, purchase orders, work orders, and allocations. Vendors, Manufacturers and Customers and their associated item numbers are available as are the Bill of Materials and Where Used (one level each direction). Transaction history and monthly usage summary for the past year is also available.
A second screen displays inventory status within location, if multiple warehouses or plants are used.
When <Enter> is pressed after the item number is entered, the program rebuilds the inventory stock status fields from scratch from the open sales order, work order, and purchase order files.
Multi-Currency & Landed Cost Processing
If you are have multi-currency processing enabled in IM-A International Configuration, be aware that the Last and Average costs of purchased items that are shown in IN-A, Inventory Inquiry, will reflect foreign currency fluctuations that can vary from transaction to transaction.
Also be aware that if landed cost processing is being used, the Last and Average costs will be increased by landed costs such as duty charges, brokerage fees, and freight.
General Program Operation
Enter a item number or select one from a pop-up window by pressing the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button). You can search either by the item number, description, item class, or alternate. The search by Alternate allows you to enter a vendor or manufacturer's item number. The program will search the vendor and manufacturer cross-reference files and will pull in your item number equivalent. All field information will be displayed.
Click on buttons to view open or closed sales orders, purchase orders, work orders, allocations, and work-in-process, and also to review stock status by location, specifications, Approved Manufacturers and Vendors, BOM, Where Used, Routing, Customer Cross-reference number, transaction listing or monthly usage summary for the past year. Usage is defined as the total of type I (Issue to Work Order), J (Purchase to Work Order) and S (Shipment) transactions. Adjustments are not included. If you click the BOM or Where Used button and then double click or press Enter on a component or parent in the resulting display, another IN-A screen will open for that item, allowing you to drill down into BOMs or drill up through them.