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IN-L-O Inventory Utility
Purpose of Program
Use this program to identify inactive inventory items (those without transactions within a given date range) and optionally change the Active status to N or make them O or Delete them. It also offers the option to Archive Obsolete items.
General Program Operation (Identify Inactive Inventory)
Choose Active/Inactive Status Inventory from the initial screen. You will be presented a screen similar to IN-O User Defined Transaction Report . You can choose an existing report filter set or enter a new name to create a new one. You can sort/subtotal by Item, Number, Description, Class, Category or Type. Next choose whether to include all item numbers, status change only (Active with no transactions to be changed to Inactive or Inactive with activity to change to Active), Active only, Inactive only, Active plus changed, Obsolete or Delete. Choose which transaction type to be included, where the filters should print and finally limit by ranges of Item Number, Transaction date, Class, Category or Item Type. A report of all items falling within the criteria specified indicating which items have a status change recommended. You can then have the program automatically make the recommended change. Changing to Obsolete or Deleting is only allowed if it has been enabled at SD-H Inventory Defaults and will only include items that could be made Obsolete or Deleted based on the limiting parameters defined in IN-B Enter Inventory
General Program Operation (Archive Obsolete Inventory)
Choose Archive Obsolete Inventory from the initial screen. You will be presented a screen that allows you to Archive or Restore from Archive and enter a range of item numbers, Class, Category, User Defined and item type. You can choose to delete Inventory transactions for the selected items or if you do not choose to delete them, they will also be archived. All items meeting the filters that have active status O (Obsolete) will be archived. The data that will be moved to the archive files include inventory master, BOM and Routing and optionally inventory transactions.