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PI-C Enter Tag Counts
Purpose of Program
Use this program to enter the information collected on your tags. Inventory tags are not supplied with your system. Any all-purpose, pre-numbered inventory tags will be suitable. Tags are normally attached in advance to all the items, bins, shelves, pallets, etc. of the items to be counted. The counts are then made and the item numbers and counts are entered on the tags. Tags are pre-numbered to that they can all be accounted for, thus avoiding lost tags. The tags are all collected and then entered into the system via this program.
If you are using PI-B Frozen Inventory Report as a count sheet alternative to numbered tags, all line items to be counted are assigned a unique line number which can be used as a tag number.
You can also collect counts using a bar code data collection device, save the data in a comma or space delimited text file, and then import them using the Import button on this screen.
When tagging items for counting be careful not to tag items that have already been issued to work-in-process. The Physical Inventory module is confined to counting on-hand inventory only. To get a work-in-process inventory, run JC-P Print Materials in WIP. Any adjustments to WIP inventory must be made through WO-G Issue Materials.
Lot and Serial Number Items
Be aware that for an item coded for either lot control or serial control this program expects one tag number for each lot number and serial number.
General Program Operation
This program is used after all items have been tagged, counted, the item numbers and counts entered onto the tags or count sheet, and the tags collected.
Entering New Tag Records
First enter the Year and the Phys Inv No or select one from a lookup by clicking on the lookup icon.
You are then presented with a list of existing tags in a scrolling window. To enter a new tag, click on the Add button.
Enter the Tag Number. For each entry thereafter, the tag number will automatically increment by a value of one. You can accept the automatic number or override it. All tag numbers are unique and cannot be duplicated.
Enter the Location (factory or warehouse).
Enter the Item number or select it from a lookup by clicking on the lookup icon. The Description and Unit of Measure will automatically be displayed. Multiple tags for the same item can be entered; the on-hand quantity will be the total of all tags entered. In fact, lot and serial controlled items require a separate tag entry per lot or serial number.
NOTE: If you find an item while counting that is not already in the inventory master file, you will be prompted: This part number does not exist. Would you like to set it up as a new part number? You should answer Y and create the part from this screen; do not go to IN-B Enter Inventory to set it up.
Enter the Count Qty. The program accepts a zero quantity in the event that you need to account for all tags to comply with an audit. You can optionally enter the Bin Loc (bin location), if applicable.
If this item is coded to require lot and/or serial control, you must enter a lot number or serial number.
Enter the Bin Location, if applicable. It will default to the default bin location but can be overridden.
Enter the Count Date. The date defaults to today's date. Whatever date you enter on the screen stays on the screen for all succeeding entries until changed.
The Employee No is an optional field that records who actually made the count. If you enter the employee number, the Name will automatically be displayed from the employee file. After presenting a warning message first, the program allows you to enter a non-employee number and name if you want to track non-company personnel.
An optional Comment field allows a short note to be entered for reference purposes.
When you complete the last field you will automatically be prompted to save the record or you can save the record from any point on the screen by clicking on the Save button (or press F10).
Editing Tag Records
To edit an existing tag record, go to the opening screen by starting the program or from the enter tag screen click on the Opening Screen button. Highlight the record in the scrolling list of tags and click on the Edit button. Make any changes that are required and save the record. When you are finished you are returned to the list where you can edit another record or take any of the other screen options.
Deleting Tag Records
To delete an existing tag record, go to the opening screen by starting the program or from the enter tag screen click on the Opening Screen button. Highlight the record in the scrolling list of tags and click on the Delete button. You will be asked if you wish to delete the record. Click Yes or press <Enter> and the record will be deleted.
Importing Tag Records
To import physical inventory counts, you will need to have the count data in an comma delimited or fixed length ASCII file containing Tag Number (or incremental line counter number), Location, Part number and quantity counted add Lot Number for Lot Controlled items. Employee number and Bin Location are optional. Serial controlled parts can not have counts imported at this time.
Click on the Import button on the opening screen and you will be presented with a standard style import screen. Enter the file name. The file name and path need to conform to 8.3 naming convention; in other words, no file or directory names longer than 8 characters plus 3 character extension and no spaces in the file or path name. It is easiest to save the file into the application folder so no path is needed. Next, indicate whether existing tag numbers should be skipped or replaced and whether the file is comma delimited or fixed length.
Indicate the Year and Quarter of the Physical Inventory and the count date. Finally, indicate the position of the data fields in the text file. For comma delimited, enter the column number in the first position on each line and leave the second position at 0. For space delimited, enter the beginning position in the first column and length of the field in the second. Press Enter or Tab through all the fields or press F10 to process. You will be presented with a report listing the imported items and indicating any exceptions that need to be manually entered such as items that require serial control.