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PO-H Enter Vendor Prices
Purpose of Program
Use this program to enter current vendor prices, lead times, units of measure and conversion factors. This information will be used automatically when entering purchase orders.
The vendor price file holds five quantity price breaks and an expiration date.
Vendor prices can be printed through PO-I-D Print Vendor Prices.
General Program Operation
Enter the item number or select a item number by clicking on the Lookup icon (or press F2). After entering the item number, the purchase unit of measure, conversion factor, and lead time will default from the item's inventory master record.
Enter the vendor code or select a vendor by clicking on the Lookup icon (or press F2). Once the vendor code is entered, the vendor name will be displayed automatically.
You can press <Enter> through the default value for purchase unit of measure, conversion factor, and lead time, or you can override these entries and enter vendor specific values to be used in purchase orders.
An expiration date is required. If there is no real expiration date, use a far future date such as 12/31/28.
Enter the quantities and costs as required. Quantity refers to the quantity through which each cost applies. Five quantities and costs are available. For example, of you are to receive a price of $10 for quantities ranging from 1-99 and $7.50 for quantities 100-199, you would enter 99.00 in Quantity 1 and 10.0000 for its cost, then 199.00 in Quantity 2 with a cost of 7.5000. Any quantity higher than the last quantity entered will use the last quantity's cost.
When you save the screen, either by clicking on the Save button (or pressing F10) or by reaching the end of the screen, today's date will be inserted in the Last Update field. This is a reference field that lets you know the last time you updated these prices.
Editing Existing Price Records
If you enter an item number and vendor code for which there is already an entry in the file, you will create an additional entry for that same item and vendor, not pull up and edit the existing entry. To find an existing price record, click on the Display Pricing button or press Alt-P while you are in the Item number field. You will be prompted for a item number. Enter the item number and you will receive a listing of all vendor price records beginning with that item number. The lookup shows the item number, vendor, and expiration date. Press <Enter> on the price record you wish to retrieve.
When the vendor price record is selected, all the fields will display on the screen. Enter through the fields and make any changes. When the screen is saved, the Last Update field will be refreshed with today's date.