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SD-L Features & Options Defaults
Field Explanations
Mandatory Feature?
If the majority of features will be mandatory, set this default to Y.
Display Duplicate Option prompt?
In a future version, if you have options such that when one option is chosen, such as color, where all subsequent features containing color would use the same color, you can have the Duplicate Option prompt display which presents three rules to determine how you want duplicate options handled. If duplicate options are not a factor for your products, set this to N and the duplicate options prompt will not be displayed at all.
Duplicate Option Code?
If you plan on using the duplicate options capability, you can select a default duplicate option code. The values are.
1 = Display options - regardless of duplicates.
2 = Do not display - add duplicate to order.
3 = Do not display - do not add duplicate to order.
For more detailed explanations of these codes, see Features & Options.
Manufactured or Kit type?
Enter an M if the majority of options are manufactured and are to be passed over to the work order system, K if they are kit types that will not be passed over to the work order system.
Include in cost rollup?
If the majority of options are to be included in the Print/Rollup Standard Costs, enter a Y. Generally only one out of each group of options would be included in the cost rollup, so normally this field would be set to N.
Use std customer pricing?
If the majority of your options carry prices that will be maintained in the standard price code and contract price files, enter a Y. If option prices are universally applied to all customers and are feature specific, enter an N, in which case the option prices are maintained within the options bills of material.
Add price to parent product?
If the option prices are to be itemized on the sales order, enter an N. If the option prices are to be added to the price of the parent product, enter a Y.
Percentage pricing?
If the majority of your option prices are to be a percentage of the price of the parent product, enter a Y for this default. If you do not use percentage pricing, enter an N.
Display Option Code prompt?
In a future version an option code will allow each option to defined in a string of codes on the sales order. This currently has no use and can be set to N.
Suppress Option Comments?
During entry of options in SO-A Enter Sales Orders the program outputs comment lines which say Options selected: and Suboptions. If you want these comments suppressed in order to save order lines, enter a Y in this field.