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SH-J Print Machine Schedule
Purpose of Program
This report can be used with manual scheduling or infinite scheduling. If you are using infinite scheduling, you should set up parent-child work centers rather than use machines (see How Finite Scheduling Works for details on parent-child work centers).
Use this program to get a listing of all uncompleted sequences (operations) waiting to be performed on each machine. Sequences are assigned to machines either in the product's routing or through SH-D Manually Schedule Machines. The report can be sorted by sequence Start Date or Finish Date.
General Program Operation
First specify whether you want the report sorted by Start Date or Finish Date. You can then limit the work orders that print on the report by entering X's or clearing them adjacent to various Status codes, Priority codes, and work order Class codes. You can then enter from/thru ranges of work order numbers, Item numbers, Customers, Start Dates, and Finish Dates. You can also have the report skip sequences for which there is no quantity.