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SM-F  Enter Tax Groups

Purpose of Program

Use this program to create tax group combinations of the different tax codes that were created in SM-E  Enter Tax Codes. The tax group determines the total tax that will be charged to each customer or by each vendor.

A tax group can consist of just one tax code, if only one tax code applies to particular customers or vendors.

Customers are assigned to tax groups via AR-A  Enter Customers and vendors are assigned to tax groups via AP-A  Enter Vendors.

If you plan on processing taxes on purchase order transactions, be sure and set the Track PO taxes using tax groups? prompt to Y in SD-C  Purchase Orders Defaults. This is not the case in the United States.

Field Explanations


The code you will use to identify the tax group.  


The description of the tax group.

Tax Code

This is the tax code that was created in SM-E  Enter Tax Codes.  Group the tax codes in the order that applies to this particular grouping.  A tax group can consist of a single tax code or up to nine tax codes.


The description of the tax code will automatically be displayed in this field.

% Rate

The tax code rate as set up in SM-E  Enter Tax Codes will automatically display in this field.


The identification number of the tax code will be automatically displayed in this field.


Set this field to Y if this tax is to be calculated on preceding tax code tax amounts.  If the tax is independent of the previous tax code amounts, enter an N in this field.


If the tax is to be calculated on freight, enter a Y in this field.


If set to Y, the Tax Code and Identification Number entered in SM-E  Enter Tax Codes will print to the left of the tax code on invoices, acknowledgements, sales quotations, purchase orders, and RFQ’s.

In order for this feature to work, Multi-Tax Forms in IM-A  International Configuration must be set to Y.