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SM-N-A Enter Note Types

General Program Description

Use this program to create Note Types for use in the Evo-ERP Memo Notes.  Six Note types are standard:  CSN and CSH are Classic Style Notes and Classic Hidden Notes that can be synchronized with the DBA Classic tables; STD and HID which are standard and Hidden Notes for Evo records and INT which is defined as an Internal note that will never print anywhere.  PRD are Paperless Produce Notes used in HH-L Multi-user Paperless Shop Floor and, once created, can not be deleted.

If you have "Use Evo Notes" set to N in SD-A Company Defaults then you are using the "T6..." RTMs and should choose CSN Note type for any notes you wish to print.  If you have "Use Evo Notes" set to Y, then choose a Note type other than CSN or you will get the Notes printed twice.

The Note Types feature can be used to develop a number of different types of Notes that can be defaulted to print on different types of documents.  For example, SHP could be set up as a Customer Note Type for Shipping instructions and defaulted to print on Packing Slips while PMT could be wire transfer or payment instructions could be defaulted to print on invoices.

To create a record, click the Add button and enter a code (up to three characters, alphanumeric), a 25 character description and a security level.  The security level is controlled by user in PS-A  System Users/Passwords and will determine which users can see a given Note type.  You can only see Notes assigned a user security number greater than or equal to the number assigned to your user login in PS-A. For Notes that all users have access to, use Security 999.

To edit an existing code, enter the code or select one by clicking on the Lookup button (or press F2).