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SU-A Maintain Grid Lookups
Purpose of Program
Use this program to modify the columns, files and indexes used on the grids displayed by Drill Downs.
Program Operation
The grid maintenance program consists of three parts, the grid name, the field data, and the Index keys. The grid name the name of the grid to be used by lookups or by drill downs. The FD name is the name of the File you will be looking at. Select from the drop down list of available names. The form name is always WBKLOOKUP.
Security level is a value of 1 thru 999 and defaults to 999. If you have a grid that displays payroll information, or other sensitive information you need to set this field to a much lower value then 999. The security assumes 1 has access to everything and 999 is limited. Defining levels in between is up to you and will control which user has access to which grids. The tart at end?field is a flag to tell the lookup to start the by highlighting the last valid record in the file.
The Field data section consists of the data fields you want to see in the grid. You need to supply a column header, and then select a field from the drop down list of available fields, and the third column is for the sub string search. Sub string searches will only work on alphanumeric fields and you may only specify up to 6 fields per grid.
The Key data are the indexes or sort orders for the grid. Again you specify the column header of sort name, then the index key name from a drop down list, and the match fld name in case the index is a compound index, would be the first field of that key. In most cases it is just the same as the key name. This allows you to sort the grids in the ways you find most useful and allows for the fast find for that index.
To delete a grid just bring one up for editing and then press the delete button.
Copying a grid, is accomplished by bringing up an existing grid, and answering 'yes’ to would you like to create a copy of this grid. It will then blank out the grid and FD names. Type in the new name of the grid you want to create, and it will tell you this grid name does not exist and ask you if you want to create a new one. Answer no and specify the FD name. Then you can edit the field and key data and save it when you are done.
User Defined Functions
User Defined Functions (UDF) allow you to add fields to Lookup Grids using SU-A for calculated values or for data fields in files other than the primary file opened by the grid. A simple UDF contains up to 5 sections. Define variables, Open file, Find correct record, perform calculation, return results.
Template UDF
Create a text file using Notepad named UDF1.SRC (or use whatever number is the next available if you already have UDF#.SRC files for other functions) that contains the following. The number in the file name UDF#.SRC must match the number in the line func UDF# and the number entered on the SU-A screen as described below. Lines in the UDF beginning with // are comment lines. Any blue text is something that you would replace depending on the specifics of the UDF you are creating.
//This is a Template UDF containing sample lines for the various sections of a UDF
//This first line defined the UDF by a number. Every UDF must have a unique number
func UDF1
//This next line is used if you will be performing any sort of calculation and need a field defined to store //the results. The example given is a 9 place number with 2 decimal. The size includes the decimals plus //the decimal point itself. You can define multiple variables.
Define variablename type N size 9 dec 2
//This next line is only needed if you need to open a file that the grid has not already opened. You are //defining a File Handle, or Alias for the program to use to open the file. Replace filehandle.h with the //name you want to use for your file
define filehandle.h type I size 5
//Check to see if the file is already open so you only open it once, then open it
if filehandle.h=0
open filename fnum filehandle.h lock N
//Now find the correct record in the file. Index tells the program which index to use on the new file and //field is the field in the primary file that links to the index in the new file.
Findv M fnum filehandle.h key index val field
//Now perform any necessary calculation
variablename = calculation
//Finally, return the results which will typically be the Variable calculated or a field in the other file that //was opened
ret variablename
ret fieldfromfile
Adding a UDF to a Grid
When you are on a lookup grid screen, the name of the grid is on the lower left corner.
In Queries - SU-A for the appropriate grid, add a column for the UDF with the Data field named UDF#() where the # is the UDF number. The program will automatically populate the UDF column with U. Enter type A for an Alpha field or N for Numeric and the size you want the column to be.
Sample UDFs
// UDF1 will get the Cust PO for Shipments grid
func UDF1
define invhead.h type I size 5
// File handle to open BKARHINV
if sohead.h = 0
openv 'bkarhinv' fnum invhead.h lock N
// this will open the file once
findv M fnum invhead.h key bkar.inv.num val bkar.invl.invnm
// this finds the correct record
// return the value
ret bkar.inv.cusord
The UDF below will calculate the Net Discounted price of a shipment if there is a discount on the line.
// UDF2 calculates discounted unit price
func UDF2
define discprice type n size 13 dec 4
discprice=bkar.invl.pprce * (1-(bkar.invl.pdisc/100))
ret discprice
This UDF is extremely simple. It is getting a field from a different file that is already open and on the correct record
// UDF3 will get the SO Number from the Sales Order header
func UDF3
This UDF assumes a previous UDF was already called by another column on the grid and has already defined the file handle
// UDF4 assumes UDF1 was called and running uses same file handle. It returns the Invoice total
func UDF4
findv M fnum invhead.h key bkar.inv.invnum val bkar.invl.invnm
ret bkar.inv.total
This UDF needs to convert a text field to a numeric value to find the associated record in the other file
// UDF5 will get the Invoice number for the PO Receiver grid
func UDF5
define apinv.h type I size 5
if apinv.h = 0
openv 'MKICLASS' fnum apinv.h lock N
findv M fnum apinv.h key mkeclass.num val val(bkap.pol.invnum)
ret mkeclass.desc