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Using Multiple Companies

The number of companies you can maintain within your system is for all practical purposes unlimited, with over 1200 logical possibilities for company code designations.  The user-defined company code is a two character, alphanumeric code.

Each company has its own set of data files, but only one set of programs is required and is shared by all the companies.  Each user can perform transactions in only one company at a time.

The default company, which does not have a company code (and is therefore often referred to as the default or Blank company) is located in the DEFAULT subdirectory.  Additional companies are located is separate subdirectories.

Data files for the default company in DBAMFG all end with an extension of *.B.  Data files for additional companies in the other subdirectories end with the same "B" extension followed by the two-character company code.  For example, the data files that are included with the sample company 99, Evolution Enterprises, are located in a subdirectory named TESTDATA and have an extension of *.B99.

Use Default Company for Single Company

If you only have a single company, it is best to use the default or Blank company rather than create an additional company.  The default company already exists when you install your system and is the company that you are in when first starting the system.

Some users mistakenly think that they must create a new company in order to start with empty files for system implementation.  This is not necessary, for the only data in the default company are a handful of GL accounts in the chart of accounts that can be cleared using UT-K-A, Clear Data (see further below), or can be deleted manually through AM-C, Enter General Ledger Accounts.

Use UT-I if You Need Additional Companies

When installed the system provides you with the default (blank) company in the DBAMFG subdirectory, which you should use as your primary company, and with company 99, The Manufacturing Answer, which is located in the TESTDATA subdirectory one level down from DBAMFG.

If you need one of more additional companies, they are created through UT-I  Create/Delete Company.  UT-I creates a subdirectory for the new company and sets up the locations in the data dictionary to enable the Change Company function (see below) to find the new company's data files.  UT-I allows you to copy the data from one company to another, or it allows you to start with a set of initialized (empty) data files.  If you copy data from another company but only want to retain master file data and not transactions, you can selectively clear transaction data using UT-K-A  Clear Data (see further below).

Sometimes additional companies are created for temporary purposes such as for training or experimentation when first learning the system.  You can always create a temporary company through UT-I (copying your actual data if you wish) and then experiment all you want without affecting your real company data.  Once you are finished using the temporary company, run UT-I again, this time using its delete function to delete the temporary company.

Changing Companies

To change companies, click on File in the upper left corner of the Windows menu, then on Change Company.  You will be presented with a list of companies in a window.  Click on your choice and then click OK.  The current company name is always displayed on the  banner at the bottom of the screen.

Using UT-K-A to Clear Files

UT-K-A  Clear Data is a program that can selectively clear various sets of data files of either transaction data (leaving master file data intact) or of all data.  This program is typically used on system start-up in one of two ways:

One, you have a single company and are installing it in the default (blank) company and you want to clear out the handful of GL accounts that come with the system or any other data that may have been entered by people experimenting with the system before implementation started.  In this case you would have UT-K-A delete all data in the default company so you can start with completely clean files.

Two, you have two or more companies that share some common master file data, such as the same GL chart of accounts.  You enter this data in the default company first and then use UT-I, Create/Delete Company, to create the second company, in the process specifying that all the files from the default company are to be copied over to the second company.  You can then use UT-K-A in the second company to clear out any transaction data that may have occurred, but retain the master files such as the chart of accounts.  This process eliminates needless double entry.

Running UT-K-A, Clear Data

When you start the program you are presented with an entry screen with a choice of the following six data categories (file groupings):

General Ledger Chart of Accounts

Accounts Receivable Customers

Accounts Payable Vendors

Inventory Items

Payroll Employees

Manufacturing Systems

Opposite each data category enter a C if you want to keep the master file data, but you want to clear all transactions (such as GL detail entries, aging detail, sales information, etc.)  Enter a D if you want to clear all data completely, and enter an N if you want to leave the data category untouched.

UT-K-A can take considerable time to run, depending on the sizes of the files being cleared.

Start-up Preferences for Company & Menu

If you are using multiple companies you can set up each user with the start-up company and start-up menu of his choice.  If a particular user tends to work primarily in company two rather than in the default company, he can be set up to bypass the default company and go directly to company two when starting the system.  He can also be set up to always start at a particular menu.

These preferences are set up through PS-A  System Users/Passwords and PS-G Maintain Menu Access