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WO-L-A Print Work Order Status
Purpose of Program
Use this program to view or print the completion status of a work order or range of work orders. The report shows the order header information and optionally the completion status of each routing sequence.
General Program Operation
A variety of selection criteria is available to limit the report to a single work order or range of work orders.
If you answer Y to Print current status?, the report will include only those sequences with a non-zero start quantity and a quantity complete less than that start quantity.
If you answer Y to Print an aggregate report format?, you need to Aggregate by either Part Number or Work Order Prefix. Depending which aggregate method selected, enter either a single item number in both from/thru item number or a single prefix in the from/thru work order number. Each work order's header information will be displayed, but the routing sequence information will be combined as if it were one work order. This feature is ideal for seeing the status of multi-date work orders for the same item.
You are also asked if you want routing sequence information displayed or not. If not, only header information will display on the report. You can enter a from/thru range of work orders or you may select work orders from a pop-up window by pressing the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button).
Note: The routing aggregation listed displays the routing for the first work order and aggregates the quantity complete for each sequence for all work orders in the range. If you aggregate by work order but the multiple suffixes are work orders for different subassemblies rather than different dates for the same item, the routing aggregation quantities will be meaningless.
The report can be limited to specific item numbers, start dates, finish dates, status codes, priority codes, classification codes, a range of customer codes, customer purchase order numbers, or job numbers.
The MAT column on the far right indicates the status of material issue to the work order. Y means all material issued, N is none and P is partially issued.