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AP-E Print Vouchers/Invoices Due by Date
Purpose of Program
Use this program to get a report of all invoices/vouchers that are due or overdue between two dates and to optionally mark these for payment as an alternative to doing so vendor-by-vendor through AP-F Pick Vouchers/Invoices to Pay. If you have invoices on terms allowing you to take a discount by early payment, you have the option of printing these also if they are within the discount dates or only selecting them based on the net date. You can also use this program to generate a cash requirements report by setting the due dates into the future.
General Program Operation
When you run this program, by entering a starting and ending vendor code, you can limit the range of vendors whose invoices are printed. If you leave the from vendor code and thru vendor code fields blank, the program will print invoices for all vendors.
You also have the choice of limiting your invoice report by entering a range of vendor classes. This allows you to report on only certain types of vendors if you have set up your vendor records accordingly. The program also asks you for a due date range. Enter the starting and ending invoice due dates you want to use to limit the printout. You are also asked whether to include invoices due prior to the from date.
You are next asked whether to use the Net or Discount date to include invoices with discountable payment terms. The last choice you are given is whether to take all discounts for discountable terms that are past the discount date. Based on AD-C Default setting, tax and freight can be excluded from the discount calculation for invoices entered in AP-C Enter Purchase Order Invoices
After printing the report, the program asks if you would like all the vouchers that were printed to be marked as ready to pay;
If you answer Y, the program adds all printed invoices/vouchers to the Accounts Payable Pro-Forma check register. This has the same effect as choosing each invoice separately using AP-F Pick Vouchers/Invoices to Pay, but saves you time.
If you answer N, the none of the printed invoices/vouchers are marked for payment.
You can now print a proforma check register for those invoices. After the invoices/vouchers have been properly recorded, the program will return to the Accounts Payable menu.