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AR-B Enter Vouchers
Purpose of Program
Use this program to enter vouchers for miscellaneous charges, credit memos, and adjusting entries that do not affect inventory or commissions. If you are processing anything that affects inventory or commissions, use SO-A Enter Sales Orders. You can create a credit in SO-A Enter Sales Orders by entering an order with a negative quantity and processing through invoicing.
NOTE: If you want a hard copy invoice of any vouchers entered in this program, you can do so via SO-F Print Invoices when printing in reprint mode.
Multi-Currency Processing
If you have multi-currency processing enabled in IM-A International Configuration, you can enter a voucher in a foreign currency.
When doing so, make all your entries in source currency. During processing the credit side of the transaction will be converted to base currency at the current rate maintained in IM-C Enter Currency Exchange Rates. The debit side of the transaction will post in source currency to this currency's AR Control account.
Auto-Tax Distribution
You can apply sales taxes to AR vouchers.
When entering a voucher, you will be asked if you wish to use the Auto-Tax Distribution feature. If you answer yes, the program will calculate the tax amount for you and will make the entry to your default Sales Tax Payable account in the Distribution area of the screen.
You are then asked if the sales tax is already included in the voucher amount. If no, the program will credit the Sales account by the full amount of the voucher and will make an additional credit for the sales tax amount to Sales Tax Payable. If yes, the program will reduce the amount of the credit to Sales by the amount of the tax such that the credit for Sales and credit for Sales Tax Payable equal the voucher amount.
If you are using multi-currency processing, even though the sales tax liability is posted in base currency, for purposes of paying the tax, the amount owed to the tax authority is stored in the sales tax transfer file in source currency. At the time you transfer the sales tax for payment via AR-L Transfer Sales Taxes, you can specify whether you wish to pay it in source currency or base currency.
Field Explanations
Cust Code
The customer code. This is a 10 character alphanumeric field.
The customer name. After you enter a customer code, this is displayed automatically from the customer file.
Voucher No
The voucher number, which is a six digit numeric field. If you leave this field blank when entering a new voucher, the program will automatically assign the next available invoice number (as maintained in SD-M Sales Orders Defaults) as the voucher number. You can also manually assign a voucher number of your choice, as long as it has not been previously used as an invoice number. Be aware that if you manually enter a number and at a later date that number falls into the normal sequence of invoice numbers, the invoicing program will skip the number because it has already been used.
Post Date
Enter a date, or you can use the current date default by simply pressing <Enter>.
The voucher type. Enter A (AR Voucher), B (Credit Memo), C (Cash Transaction), D (Beg Balance), or E (Beg Bal - Credit).
The general description of the voucher. This description is what will print on posting reports and on the customer's statement. This is a 25 character alphanumeric field.
The payment terms for the customer. A pop-up window will be displayed when the cursor is on this field, with the default terms from the customer record highlighted. If a Cash Type transaction was selected, Cash terms must be selected. Conversely, if the type is not a Cash type, Cash Terms are not allowed.
Total Amt
The total amount of the voucher. This posts to your main AR account. This is a 12 digit numeric field with two decimal digits.
If you have multi-currency processing enabled in IM-A International Configuration, you can enter a currency code in this field. You can then enter the voucher in source currency.
In order to enter a balanced transaction, you will need to distribute the amount of the voucher to one or more GL accounts. You will specify the accounts you want the balancing amounts to post to using the fields below.
GL Account - Dept
The General Ledger account(s) and department(s) to which you want to apply this voucher. If there is a default GL sales account defined in the customer master record, it will automatically copy into this field, where it can be overridden if desired. You can distribute the amount of the voucher any way you wish.
The description of the GL account is automatically filled in after the GL account code gets entered.
The debit/credit field defaults to what is necessary to balance the transaction; you can override the default if you wish.
The distribution amount. These amounts, when added to the voucher amount, must total zero. The program offers as a default the amount needed to balance the transaction.
General Program Operation
When the program is started, you are presented with an opening list of existing vouchers. You can Add a new Voucher, or Copy, View or Reverse an existing one,
Adding a New Voucher
The first step in entering a voucher is to enter the customer code. You may either type in the entire customer code and press <Enter>, or you can select a customer code by clicking on the Lookup icon (or press F2).
Once the customer code is in the Cust Code field, press <Enter> to display that customer record.
You may wish to enter a new customer at this point. If you enter a customer code that isn't in the customer field, you will be asked if you want to add that customer to the file. If you answer Y, you will be shown the standard customer information screen from AR-A. You can fill out the new customer record (for more information on adding a customer record, see AR-A Enter Customers).
Normally you would leave the Voucher No field blank and let the program automatically assign the voucher number for you when the voucher gets saved; however, you may enter your own voucher number if you wish.
Enter the type of voucher. You can choose either an AR voucher, a credit memo, or a cash transaction.
Enter description and date. Next, the program will display the available terms. Use the arrow keys to move the menu bar to your choice and press <Enter> or click on your selection. If you need other terms types, you can add them in SM-D, Enter Terms Table. Do not use cash type terms in the voucher program unless you are entering a Cash Transaction type in which case cash terms are required by the program.
Next, enter the amount of the voucher.
If you want the voucher to be posted to a particular GL department, type the department code into the G/L Dept field. If you use this field, the Tot Amt will be posted to the proper AR account with the same department code (if it exists), and the department code for the distribution accounts will default to the same value.
This completes the first half of the transaction. The cursor is placed in the G/L Account field for the balancing accounts to be entered. In the case of a standard voucher, the Tot Amount entry will be posted as a debit to your default AR account. This means that the balancing transaction must be a credit or combination of credit and debit amounts, for a total of a net credit.
Credit Memo
If you have chosen to enter a credit memo, then the Tot Amount entry will be posted as a credit to your default AR account and the balancing transaction must be a debit or combination of debit and credit amounts, for a total of a net debit.
Cash Transaction
A cash transaction occurs when you've received cash and you want to deposit it directly to your cash account without a formal invoice. If you have chosen a cash transaction, when the screen is saved you will be prompted for a bank account, customer check number, and deposit number. The debit entry will be to your cash account and the credit will be based on the amounts distributed in the bottom section of the screen. The AR default account will be bypassed in a cash transaction but the transaction will appear on the customer statement and AR listing in AR-F Print Aging as a paid invoice if fully paid items are included.
Beginning Balances
Beginning balance type vouchers are generally used to enter your initial aging records when cutting over from another accounting system. These entries post to the aging and voucher files but not to the General Ledger. Use type D for entering beginning balance invoices and type E for entering beginning balance credit memos.
The second half of the transaction is to distribute to the balancing accounts. The sum of the balancing account amounts must equal the voucher amount before you can save the voucher. In other words, the debits must equal the credits.
You may distribute the item over a maximum of 10 different GL accounts. To enter the distribution amounts you must do the following:
Select a GL account code. To display a list of GL account codes, click on the Lookup icon (or press F2) while the cursor is in the GL Account - Dept field. After you make your selection, the appropriate account description is displayed.
Next, enter whether the balancing account amount should be posted as a debit or credit. The default value is the amount required to balance the accounts.
In the amount field, type in the amount from the account you want to use to balance the voucher amount. The program displays a default value which is the amount needed to balance the voucher amount. If it is correct, press <Enter>. Otherwise, change the value to the correct amount, and continue to enter GL accounts and amounts until the voucher is balanced.
When you have your accounts entered and amounts balanced, press <Enter> in the GL Account - Dept field.
If the items are in balance, and you answer Y when asked if the entries are correct, the program posts the voucher. Posting a voucher adds the voucher to the voucher records, adds the transaction to the AR transaction file, updates the outstanding credit or invoice balances in the customer file, and posts the transaction to the General Ledger and to the Sales Journal.
When the program is finished, the screen clears and you are returned to the Cust Code field. You may then enter another voucher or return to the main menu by pressing <Esc>.
Copying a Voucher
Highlight a voucher on the opening list and click Copy. The entry screen will be displayed with the selected voucher information already completed with the exception of the voucher number. Edit any information that needs to be changed and save.
Viewing a Voucher
Highlight a voucher on the opening list and click View. The selected voucher will be displayed on the entry in view-only mode. No changes are allowed.
Reversing a Voucher
Highlight a voucher on the opening list and click Reverse. The program will prompt for a reversal date and then create a new voucher reversing the one selected.