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SD-M Sales Order Defaults
Field Descriptions - Setup 1 Tab
Ready to Ship Default
If you take advantage of the ready-to-ship feature in the sales order system, you will be able to generate instant invoices for any items that have on-hand inventory without having to use SO-E Release Sales Orders. This default sets the Rdy? flag in the sales order header. The default can be overridden within sales order entry on any given order.
Entered by
If you have one person who enters the majority of your sales orders, enter the name/initials of the person in this field. If several people enter orders, leave this field blank.
Default Ship Via
Type in the method you normally use to ship your orders. You can override this default when entering a sales order. The Ship Via field in AR-A Enter Customers overrides this default.
Default FOB
If all your sales orders use the same FOB designation, enter the default here. This default can be overridden when entering a sales order. The FOB field in AR-A Enter Customers overrides this default.
Turn the Credit Limit Message off?
SO-A Enter Sales Orders can display a message in the sales order program to notify you if your customer exceeds his credit limit or is on credit hold. The program checks the credit hold as soon as the Bill To customer code is entered and checks the credit limit as each line item is entered. If you don't want to see this message during the sales order entry process, enter Y here. If you want to see the message, enter N.
Prompt for Taxable Line Item Amt?
If you are in an industry (such as construction) where the tax is not always applied to the full amount of the invoice line item, you can answer Y to this prompt and the taxable amount will display in a pop-up window during sales order entry. You can then accept or override the taxable amount. In most industries this default is N and lines are either taxable or non-taxable in their entirety. An order can consist of both taxable and nontaxable lines with this default set to N.
Prompt for Itemized Sales Tax?
In some industries (such as construction) the sales tax is often not itemized and is instead included as part of the line item price. The tax must still be tracked and paid, however. If you answer Y to this prompt, whenever a sales order is saved you will be asked if you want to itemize sales tax. If you say no, the tax will not be itemized at the bottom of the invoice. When the invoice is posted, the sales (income) amount will be reduced by the amount of the sales tax, and the sales tax liability will be posted to your default sales tax GL account and will post to the tax authority file.
Prompt for Retention Billing?
Retention billing is common in certain industries such as construction. If you answer Y to this prompt, whenever you release a sales order for invoicing SO-E Release Sales Orders you will be asked if you wish to bill for retention. If you indicate yes, you will be asked to enter a percentage. The program will then create a separate sales order for the retention amount and will handle all the GL postings properly. For more information, see SO-E, Release Sales Orders.
Retention Part No
If you answer Y to the Prompt for Retention Billing? prompt, enter a item number that will be used by the system on the retention invoice. This item number should be set up in IN-B, Enter Inventory, as a non-inventory item (Type N), and should be given a general description that is appropriate when appearing on invoices.
Suppress Non-Tax Warning Message?
Normally if you do not enter a Tax Group on a sales order, the program gives you a warning that alerts you to this fact. Many manufacturing companies do not process sales taxes at all and find this warning an annoyance. If you enter a Y in this field, the warning will be suppressed.
Allow Entry to Location
This option allows you to control the entry of Locations (warehouses) in SO-A Enter Sales Orders. See How to Use Multiple Locations for more information on using Locations. You should set this default to R (for required).
Allow Entry to Department
This option allows you to control the entry of GL Departments in SO-A Enter Sales Orders. See AM-D Enter General Ledger Departments for more information on using GL Departments. If your company does not use departmental accounting (the majority of companies do not), you should set this default to N so that in SO-A the user will not have access to the Department field in the sales order header screen. If you use departmental accounting, you can set this default to Y or R. If set to Y, the user will have access to the Department field in SO-A; however, entry of a department code is not required and the field can be left blank. If set to R (for required), the user must enter a department code and cannot leave the field blank.
Attach Notes from ARA
If you choose to disable the Sales Order feature to pull customer notes entered in AR-A into sales orders, set to N. Blank or Y means that the feature is enabled.
Sales Document Printing
If you choose to disable the capability to print sales documents such as Acknowledgement, Invoice and Packing Slip in SO-A Enter Sales Orders set to N. Blank or Y means the feature is enabled.
Calc BO on Available to Ship
If this is set to Y, then SO-A Enter Sales Orders the determination of whether an item is sent to Backorder will consider Units On Hand less Units on Sales Order and Backorder from other orders rather than strictly On Hand. This prevents multiple orders from thinking there is sufficient stock on hand when there is only enough for the first one. This logic also applies to SO-S Mass Release Sales Orders. A W setting in this field will generate a Warning only in SO-A Enter Sales Orders but still allow entry of the order without backordering the item.
Check for Existing PO in SOA
A value of N turns off the checking for duplicate customer PO number when entering sales orders in SO-A.
Use Ship-To code for FOB in SO-A
If this is set to Y then SO-A Enter Sales Orders will pull the FOB information from the Ship-To customer record rather than the Bill-To customer.
Track Changes to Sales Orders (Y/N)
If this is set to Y, then changes to Sales Order lines (Quantity, price, discount, ship or due dates) will be tracked as they are made and the change history can be viewed by clicking the HIST button in the line item section of SO-A Enter Sales Orders, or in the Bookings Report in SA-A Print Daily Sales/Bookings or SO-O-M Print Changes to sales Orders
Prevent Editing of Desc in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is Y then the item description in SO-A can not be modified.
Enable Up Charges in Discounts (Y/N)
If this is Y then you will have access to a third digit in the line item screen discount percentage in SO-A to enter a minus sign for a negative discount to be used as an upcharge
Round Prices (U)p or (N)earest 0-4 Decimals
If this enabled, discounted prices in SO-A will round either up or to the nearest number of decimal places specified.
Prevent Deleting of Sales Order in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is set to Y, the Delete SO Button in SO-A is removed.
Allow 00/00/00 Ship Dates in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is set to Y, SO-A will allow blank estimated ship dates and SO-N will require that a date be entered at the time of conversion and MRP will ignore Sales Order Lines with blank dates. For use with blanket orders where the shipping schedule is unknown.
Reopen Closed SO in SO-A (Y/N/P/V)
If this is blank or Y, the program reopens a closed Sales Order to view it. If it is N then closed Sales Orders can not be viewed, if it is V they can be viewed but not reopened and if it is P then the password specified is required to reopen them.
Prevent Copying of Sales Order & Quotes (Y/N)
If this is Y then the Copy button in SO-A and SO-P-A is not available
Allow entry of prices in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is N then the SO-A screen will skip over the price and Discount fields, preventing the order entry person from changing the price from the standard Base Price/Price Code and Discount pricing that pulls into the order.
Control Ship to based on Bill To
If this is Y, then when entering a Sales Order, once a Bill To customer has been entered, the Ship To lookup will be limited to those Ship To addresses assigned to that Bill To in AR-A Enter Customers. Further, if you have only the Ship To information, you can leave the Bill To blank and when the Ship To code is entered, the Bill To information will pull in.
Force Job Tracking in SO/PO/WO (Y/N)
If this is Y then all SO, WO and PO will require a Job number. If blank or N, the Job Number is optional
Allow editing of Line Locations in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is Y then you will be able to edit the Warehouse Location by Line Item in SO-A. If N or Blank, you cannot.
Force Order Description in SO/PO (Y/N)
If this is Y then the Order Description can not be left blank.
Sales Order Default Location
If a value is entered here, Sales Orders will default to the value entered rather than the master Inventory Default Location
Field Descriptions - Setup 2 Tab
Prompt for Specifications in SO-A?
If N, the item specifications will not be pulled into Sales Orders.
Ask for Book Date when editing SO-A
If this is Y, then when a change is made to a sales order, the user will be prompted for the effective date of the change which will be reflected on the Business Status and Changes to Sales Orders report.
Prevent Add new cust in order entry?
If this is Y then SO-A will not be allowed to create a new customer.
Enable add'l SO Class Discount
Enter Y to have SO-A Enter Sales Orders recalculate the applicable discount per line based on the value breaks entered into SO-Q-F Enter Discount Codes as applied to the order subtotal per item class when the order is saved. Enter A to ask when saving and N or blank will not recalculate.
Set new SO Ent by to Username (Evo-ERP only)
Enter Y to have SO-A Enter Sales Orders pull in the first 5 characters of the username of the person entering a sales order into the "Entered By" field.
Exclude Cust X-Ref in SO-A
Enter Y to prevent the Customer Cross Reference number from pulling into Sales Orders as a comment line.
SO-A Open or Open /Closed SO (O/B)
Enter O if you want the opening list in SO-A to only display Open Sales Orders. Blank or B will include Open and Closed orders.
Enable Ready to Post in SO-P-I
If this is set to Y, then if an invoice number has already been assigned to a sales order, SO-P-I Enter Freight & Tracking # will have the option to set the invoice as ready to post.
Check for Open Invoice in SO-A greater than XXX days
If a number of days is entered, then SO-A will pop up a warning when entering a new order for a customer if they have any open invoices older than that number of days.
Default Salesperson
You can use this field if you have one salesperson that handles a majority of your sales. The salesperson number must be set up in CS-A Enter Salespersons. If you have a specific salesperson associated with a set of customers, you should assign the salesperson number in AR-A Enter Customers. You can override either default salesperson assignment when entering a sales order.
Use Ship-To for Price and Discount Code
If this is set to Y then if Price Code or Discount Codes have been established for a Ship-To customer, they will be used in Sales Orders and override codes entered in the Bill To ..
Prevent Duplicate SO Lines (Y/N/W)
If this is set to Y then sales order entry will not be able to enter two identical lines (same part, quantity, price and delivery date) into the same sales order. W will warn but allow, and N or Blank will not check.
Item No for Itemized Disc (Type N)
The part number entered here will be used in Sales Orders if a Discount codes has been established in SO-Q-F Enter Discount Codes as an Itemized Discount meaning that it is included on the order as a separate negative line item.
SO-A Alt Item - Cust X-Ref (123N)
If the item number entered for a line in SO-A Enter Sales Orders is not a standard item number in the inventory database, this setting enables a search on the Customer Cross Reference number as entered in IN-L-C Enter Customer Cross-Reference as an alternate. Enter 1, 2 or 3 to designate the order of searching alternates (see the next two settings) or N if you do not want to include customer cross reference as an option.
SO-A Alt Item - User Defined (123N)
If the item number entered for a line in SO-A Enter Sales Orders is not a standard item number in the inventory database, this setting enables a search on the User Defined Field as entered in IN-B Enter Inventory as an alternate. Enter 1, 2 or 3 to designate the order of searching alternates (see the previous and next settings) or N if you do not want to include User Defined field as an option.
SO-A Alt Item - UPC (123N)
If the item number entered for a line in SO-A Enter Sales Orders is not a standard item number in the inventory database, this setting enables a search on the UPC number as entered in IN-B Enter Inventory as an alternate. Enter 1, 2 or 3 to designate the order of searching alternates (see the previous and next settings) or N if you do not want to include UPC as an option.
Maximum Freight Amount $9,999.99 (Y/N)
If your freight charge will never exceed $9,999.99 then set this to Y and if a mistake is made entering a larger freight amount, it will not be allowed. Otherwise, freight amounts up to $99,999.99 are allowed but if it is a mistake, the invoice can not be voided.
Ask for Lot info when adding SO Lines (Y/N/A/R) (Evo-ERP only)
If this is set to Y, Lot information can be entered in SO-A when lines are entered. N prevents Lot info, A will ask and R means the Lot info is required to be entered in SO-A.
Ask for Serial info when adding SO Lines (Y/N/A/R) (Evo-ERP only)
If this is set to Y, Serial Number information can be entered in SO-A when lines are entered. N prevents Serial Info info, A will ask and R means the Serial Number info is required to be entered in SO-A.
Prevent Edit of SLSP in SO-A
If this is set to Y then order entry can not change the Sales Rep assigned to the order.
SO-A Check for Open-late Inv>XXX days per terms
If this is set to a number of days then SO-A will pop up a warning if any open invoice is later than that number of days past the due date per terms.
Prevent Deletion of SO Lines with Work Orders in SO-A
If this is set to Y then Sales Order lines that have been converted to Work Order can not be deleted.
If a number is enteredhere, it will become the incremental counter for UCC code for shipments
Item Number for Medical Excise Tax
Enter a Non-Inventory part number here to enable the calculation of Medical Excise Tax
Medical Excise Tax Rate
Enter the appropriate rate
Ask for Lot info when releasing SO Lines (Y/N/A/R)
If this is set to Y you will be able to enter Lot Control information in SO-E Release Sales Orders. If N, you can not, A will Ask and R will Require.
Ask for Serial info when releasing SO Lines (Y/N/A/R)
If this is set to Y you will be able to enter Serial Control information in SO-E Release Sales Orders. If N, you can not, A will Ask and R will Require.
SO-A Set Default to True when changing all line dates (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then the default to the "Do you want to change all lines with this date" when changing dates on lines will be Y
SOC/SOF Always use Standard Pack (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then the quantity shown on SO-C Print Packing Slips and SO-F Print Invoices will be the line quantity based on Standard Pack and the invoice price will be multiplied out to display a Stadnard Pack price.
Enable Auto Line Numbers in SO-A (Y/N)
If this is Y then lines in Sales Orders will be automatically numbered.
SO-A Auto Line Number Starting Number
If a value i entered here, it will be used as the starting number rather than 1
SO-A Auto Line Number Increment
If a value i entered here, it will be used as the line number increment rather than 1
Field Descriptions - Processing Tab
Release Qtys > On Hand
There are 3 levels of control for restricting SO-E Release Sales Orders to the available on-hand inventory. Enter a 0 if you want no restrictions on release quantities; enter a 1 if you want to be warned if there is insufficient on-hand stock to make the shipment and enter a 2 if you want to prohibit releasing a Sales Order with insufficient stock on-hand.
Increment WO Suffix in SO-N by
When Work orders are generated from Sales orders using SO-N Convert Sales Orders to Work Orders, the Work Order prefix number will equal the sales order number and the Work Order generated for each Sales Order line gets a different work order suffix. If you will be generating multiple level work orders, you may want to allow for an increment other than 1 between the suffixes so that lower level work orders deriving from the same parent part can easily be grouped together.
Enter Ship Tracking Number in SO-E
This establishes whether or not a window will pop up in SO-E to enter a long shipment tracking number and freight carrier.
Set Pack Slip Same as Invoice
If this is set to Y, then when releasing sales orders in SO-E Release Sales Orders the same number (the Next Invoice Number) will be assigned to the order for both the Invoice and Pack Slip number. This eliminates having 2 sets of numbers and also enables reprinting a pack slip after the invoice has posted because it can pull from the posted invoice file for the data since it is a one-to-one relationship.
Warn if Pack Slip has been printed (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then printing a packing slip in SO-C Print Packing Slips sets a "Printed" flag so if you try to print it again, you get a warning, thus preventing inadvertent duplication of shipments. Once the invoice for the shipment is posted, the flag is cleared so the next shipment can be processed.
Enable Pick Tickets in SO-C (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then SO-C Print Packing Slips will prompt whether to print a Pick Ticket or Packing Slip. This is designed to allow printing a Pick Ticket to pull parts and get them ready for shipment without pulling a packing slip number. A Pick Ticket lists all lines on the order and does not pull or save a Pack Slip (Shipper) number. A Packing Slip can list all lines or only released lines and assigns a packing slip number.
Track On Time Shipping (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then as invoices are posted, the actual compared to Estimated Ship Date and Customer Due Date will be stored in a file which can be accessed using the new SO-O-N On Time Delivery Report.
Allow SO Dates to update WO (Y/N)
If this is Y then when a SO ship date is changed in SO-A Enter Sales Orders, you will be prompted to also update the corresponding Work Order Estimated Finish Date for Work Orders converted from Sales Orders.
Warn at ship if pmt is required SO-C (Y/N)
If this is Y then when a Packing slip is printed for a Sales Order with a payment term that has Max Days Til Due of 0, a reminder message will pop up that this is an order that requires prepayment or COD paperwork so the shipping department doesn't ship the order without taking appropriate action.
Warn at ship if pmt is required SO-E (Y/N)
If this is Y then when a Sales Order with a payment term that has Max Days Til Due of 0 is released in SO-E, a reminder message will pop up that this is an order that requires prepayment or COD paperwork so the shipping department doesn't ship the order without taking appropriate action.
Warn at ship if pmt is required SO-C (Y/N)
If this is Y then when an Invoice is printed for a Sales Order with a payment term that has Max Days Til Due of 0, a reminder message will pop up that this is an order that requires prepayment or COD paperwork so the shipping department doesn't ship the order without taking appropriate action.
Allow Changing Invoice # in SO-E
Enter Y to allow manual changing of the invoice number to be assigned when releasing Sales Orders. Any number manually assigned will still be verified to ensure it is not a previously used invoice number.
Create 0 Qty SO Lines during post
Enter Y to have fully backordered lines post a record to the Invoice Line item file
Treat 99.99% discount as 100%
Enter Y to have a 99.99% Sales Order discount calculate 100% Discount and $0 price
SO-A Pull in Kit Comp Prices
Enter Y if you want kit components to be priced individually rather than a single price at the parent level for the Kit as a whole
SO-Q-A Disable Base Price Passdown to Subsidiary (Y./N)
Enter Y to prevent changes to Base Price frm passing down to subsidiary companies and enable entry of Base Price at the Subsidiary level
Use Order, Current date for Pricing
Enter O to use the Order Date to determine effective pricing or C to use the current calendar date.
SO-N Multi-Yield Part Number
If this is populated with a part number then SO-N will have an option to create a Multi-Yield Work Order. It will combine all items on the order to a single work order so they can be manufactured together, then WO-I will process as a Multi-Yield Work Order and complete the items based on the SO Lines.
Automatically update Surcharge prices in SO-E (Y/N/A)?
Enter Y to have Sales Order Items defined as "Surcharge" items in IN-B Enter Inventory have their unit cost updated to match current Base Price in SO-E Release Sales Orders, A to be prompted to reprice them or N to not make any changes.
Prevent SO-N for items with Active Status E (Y/N)?
Enter Y to prevent converting Sales Orders to Work Order for items designated Active Status E (Engineering)
Enter Additional SO Info (Header/Line/Both)?
Enter H to have one screen of additional information per Sales Order, L for one screen per line or B for both header and line info. The additional info screen allows for up to 20 additional alpha fields and 5 dates per item.
Disable Option to Delete Quote in SO-P-C?
If set to YSO-P-C Convert Sales Quotations will not have hte option to delete the quote after converting tro sales order
New Sales Order Consume Existing Forecasting for the month
If set to Y then Sales Orders entered will consume forecast in the same month as the Estiomated Ship Date until the monthly forecast is 0.
Posting Invoices Consumes Forecasting?
If this is set to Y, Sales Invoice Posting will consume Forecast, oldest first. This setting and the prior one for Sales Orders consuming forecast are mutually exclusive.
Field Descriptions - Printing Tab
Acknowledgment Print Format No.
The format identification number is located in parenthesis to the right of the description. Highlight the format you want and click on it or press <Enter>.
Packing Slip Print Format Number
The format identification number is located in parenthesis to the right of the description. Highlight the format you want and click on it or press <Enter>.
Invoice Print Format Number
The format identification number is located in parenthesis to the right of the description. Highlight the format you want and click on it or press <Enter>.
Sales Quote Print Format Number
The format identification number is located in parenthesis to the right of the description. Highlight the format you want and click on it or press <Enter>.
Print Co. Name & Address on Forms?
Enter Y if you want your company name and address (as defined in SD-A Company Defaults) to print in the upper left corner on acknowledgments, invoices, packing slips, and sales quotations.
Print Discount Column on Forms?
If you want the Discount heading and column to print on forms, enter a Y. If your company doesn't offer discounts or you do not want the discounts explicitly printed on the forms, enter N and the discount heading and column will not print.
Decimalized Quantities on Forms?
The program features two decimal places on all inventory quantities, including quantities shipped, and backordered on invoices, acknowledgments, packing slips, and sales quotations. If you never need decimalized quantities on these order documents, enter a N in this field and the decimals will be suppressed on the printouts.
Print Title on:
This option allows you to control whether the forms title (the main title in the upper right corner of each form) will print on acknowledgments, packing slips, invoices, or sales quotations. Even through the universal form can be used for all forms, some companies print special information (such as terms and conditions) on the back of some forms, some have different numbers of copies on multi-part forms, and some color code different sheets within multi-copy laser forms. Suppressing the title allows the title to be pre-printed so that different forms are readily identifiable when pulled from the shelf to be used.
Max No Lines in Body of Ack, Pack Slip, Invoices
Indicate the number of Item, Description or Note lines allowed in the body of forms before a page feed command is passed to the print program. This would only be used for pre-printed forms that had footer type information printed on all pages of the form rather than printed by the program on the last page only.
Alternate Title for Invoice
If you would like the word INVOICE to be something different when sales invoices are printed, then indicate the alternate word(s) here
SO-C Cert of Compliance RTM
If a value is entered here, then SO-C will print a second copy as a C of C using the specified RTM
Print Ending Lines?
If you want to set your default to include ending lines (see below), then enter Y here. If you answer 'yes', you will see a prompt when you are saving the sales order that will allow you to choose if you want to print these lines or not. Ending lines can be used for any type of message that you want printed in the lower left corner of the invoice, acknowledgment, or sales quotation. If you don't want to use the ending lines, enter N.
Sales Order Ending Lines
You may include up to 5 description lines at the end of any invoice. If you answered Y to the Print Ending Lines? field above, SO-A Enter Sales Orders will ask if you want to include these lines on each sales order.
Sales Quote Ending Lines
If you answered Y to the Print Ending Lines? field above, SO-P-A Enter Sales Quotations will ask if you want to include these lines on each sales order.
Print Medical Excise Tax as a Tax Code in SO-F?
If you set this to Y and have the Medical Excise Tax item defined, the amount of the Tax will print in the Sales Tax region of the invoice rather than as a line item.