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SO-C Print Packing Slips
Purpose of Program
Packing slips provide a shipping document that goes with the merchandise. A copy of the packing slip is returned to the office for invoicing. The packing slip can be printed on the universal form or on plain paper. It shows the quantity ordered, the quantity available to ship, the bin location, and any backordered quantities, or there is a single quantity format that only shows the quantity to ship. Fields are provided for entering freight and insurance charges and total weight and cubic feet. Packing slips are dated and numbered with a shipper number for tracking purposes. The print formats are specified in SD-M Sales Orders Defaults.
General Program Operation
Indicate whether you want to print new packing slips or reprint a packing slip from a previously posted invoice.
In this program you can limit the packing slips printed to as few as one sales order. If you do not enter limits, the program will print packing slips for all open sales orders.
You are prompted whether to use existing SO Ship Dates. If you say Y and have not already entered a ship date in SO-E Release Sales Orders then the program will use the estimated Ship Date from the first line on the sales order.
You can also indicate whether you want the packing slip to print in Line Number, Item Number or Bin Location order. The default is Line Item order. Press F2 to select a different order.
If you wish all items on the sales order to be included on the packing slip, answer Y to the Print Non-released Lines? prompt.
If you want to be selective as to which items print on the packing slip, there are two ways to do so. If the sales order is a blanket order with many deliveries, you can restrict the line items printed by entering a date range in the Include only Ship Dates From/Thru fields. The other way is to first go to SO-E Release Sales Orders and release the items you want to ship. Then answer N to the Print Non-released Lines? prompt and only the items you released will be printed.
If you are using the single quantity format (see SD-M Sales Orders Defaults for an explanation of the formats available), you have a choice of showing only the sales order Ship Qty or a combination of the Ship Qty and the Backord Qty. To restrict the quantity to the Ship Qty, answer N to the Include BO's in Qty this Shipment? prompt. To show the combined quantity, answer Y.
You are asked if you want the sales order notes printed and whether selling kit components are to be printed. The defaults are Y for both.
Next you are asked if you want to print comments after shipped items. The default is N. Generally, once an item has already shipped, you don't want the item's comments to print anymore. This prompt is only for the rare occasion when you want comments to print that are not attached to an open item.
If you are using Features & Options, you can indicate whether the options are to be printed or not. If you want the options printed, you are given the choice or printing the option quantities or not. Because the options are often physically assembled into the parent product, there is no need for option quantities to be specified, since the options themselves are not ship items.
If you are using Lot Control and/or Serial Control, you can optionally request a listing of these to print on the packing slip.
Indicate whether to include linked documents and, if Warehouse Control is turned on, whether to list all possible Bin Locations or only the Default and whether to print multiple Packing Slips by Warehouse Location if an order has lines assigned to different Locations. Use Standard Pack divides the Ship Quantity per line by the item Standard Pack to print the number of cartons rather than pieces, Print Consolidated combines multiple instances of the same item int a single line and One Kit per page splits Selling Kits onto separate pages.