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JC-A Print Job Cost Report
Purpose of Program
Use this report for a complete cost and profit analysis for each work order. The report may be run in summary format only or in detail and summary. The detail sections show costs for each labor operation, outside processing operation, and each material component. The Summary section shows single figures for setup, labor, outside processing, fixed and variable overhead, material, and miscellaneous and extra costs.
Estimated and actual costs are compared, both as totals and per part. The variance between the two is expressed as a percentage.
The estimated costs in the detail sections of the report are calculated when the estimates are rolled up in WO-A Enter Work Orders. The Summary section estimates are either automatically calculated during the estimate rollup, or they may be manually entered during work order entry. The detail sections’ estimated costs and the Summary section estimates will not be in agreement if the estimate totals are entered manually.
Actual per part costs are calculated as follows. In the Labor section, the total actual cost for each sequence is divided by the quantity completed for that sequence as reported through WO-F Enter Labor. In the Outside Processing section, total actual cost for each sequence is divided by the quantity received for that sequence during PO-C Receive Purchase Orders. In the Materials section, the total cost for each component is divided by the quantity issued-to-date of that component as reported through WO-G Issue Materials or PO-C, Receive Purchase Orders.
In the Summary section the per part costs are calculated by dividing the total actual costs by the parts completed as reported through WO-I Enter Finished Production. The per part summary costs will not be meaningful until the work order is finished and the final quantity completed can be matched up properly with the total actual costs.
If the work order has a selling price, a profit calculation is made at the end of the report which compares the estimated profit versus the actual profit, both in dollars and as a percentage.
General Program Operation
The Job Cost report can be limited to a range of work orders, work order status codes (S=Scheduled, F=Firmed, R=Released, C=Closed), customer codes, and job numbers. Lookups (via the F2 key or the Lookup button) are available for work order numbers and customer codes. This report can be run on either active or archived work orders
If you want to consolidate several work orders' costs into one report, answer Y to the Print Composite Report? prompt. The header section of the report will be that of the first work order selected, and the composite report will not include the detail section. The costs of all work orders selected will be merged into one set of summary costs. The price used in the profit calculation will be that of the first work order selected. This will be meaningful only when all work orders selected are for the same item.
Next you can indicate whether you want just a summary report or a full report with detail and summary.
Finally, you can indicate if you want the component descriptions printed, which takes up an extra line per component. If you indicate no, the report will be shorter in length.