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WO-F Enter Labor
Purpose of Program
Use this program to report labor transactions to work orders or to change previously reported labor transactions.
Use this program if you need to report advanced functions such as machine designation, number of jobs worked, rework, QC codes, number in team, and scrap codes. See Field Explanations below for descriptions of these functions. If all you need to enter are start and finish times and quantities, you can use WO-M Batch Labor Entry as an alternative, which provides for much faster data entry.
This program will charge labor costs to the work order at either actual payroll rates or at work center standard rates. Overhead costs are automatically charged to work orders based on the hours reported. The overhead cost will either be an hourly rate or a percentage of labor. Work order defaults for these and other parameters are set up in SD-B Work Orders Defaults.
Recording labor serves two basic purposes: one, it provides valuable work order costing information, and two, it updates the status of the work order so that it can readily be seen how many pieces have been produced through what sequence (operation), and what remains to be completed.
Field Explanations
Work Date
The date the labor transaction occurred. The default date is the computer date, but it may be overridden. Once changed, the date stays the same on all succeeding screens until changed again.
Employee No
The employee number. Once selected, the employee number stays on the screen for all succeeding transactions until a new employee number is selected. To the field's right will be displayed the employee last name and first name.
Work Order
The work order number to which the labor is to be recorded. The work order parent part and description display under the work order number.
Sequence No
The sequence number on this work order to which the labor is to be recorded.
This field is only used if you are manually scheduling machines. If the sequence being entered was assigned in the work order routing to a machine, this field and defaults to the machine originally specified. If the work was performed on a different machine, you can override the default and specify the machine actually used.
A code which indicates the pay rate in effect at the time this labor transaction was performed. This field is only used if labor is to be posted using actual wage rates, as setup in SD-B Work Orders Defaults. The field values are as follows.
R = regular time
O = overtime
D = double time
The default value is R.
If you are using Status "I" work orders to record indirect labor, the following values are also accepted.
H = holiday time
S = sick time
V = vacation time
The shift on which this labor transaction occurred. The default value is "1".
# Jobs Worked
The number of work orders this employee was working on at the time this labor transaction occurred. For example, an employee could be simultaneously operating two machines, each running a separate work order. The program will take the labor rate and divide it by the value in this field so that work orders are not overcharged for direct labor. The default value is "1".
If this entry is to record setup time, enter a Y. The cursor will move to the Setup Hrs field and will not proceed to the rest of the fields.
Setup Hours
The setup time in decimal hours being reported for this operation.
If the labor to be reported is for rework, enter a Y. If so, you will be prompted for a QC code (see explanation below).
QC Code
The code from the QC code file in the Routings module which describes this rework labor entry. QC codes provide a means of tracking rework labor to specific reasons so that progress in reducing or controlling rework labor can be monitored.
Run Hours
The run time in decimal hours being reported for this operation.
% Complete
The current percent complete of the operation. This can be used instead of a quantity complete in the case of a Job Shop making one "Job" rather than manufacturing a number of pieces of an item. The percent entered is the current status, not the difference since the previous entry. Thus if an operation had previously been reported as 30% complete and is now finished, 100% would be entered here and the program would calculate that an incremental entry of 70% needs to be made. The current percent complete is displayed to the right for reference. Values less than the current status or greater than 100% are not allowed.
Qty Completed
The number of pieces produced for this labor entry. This will be calculated if a % Complete is entered
# Persons/Team
If this employee was part of a work team, the number of people in that work team. The program will take the quantity completed and divide it by this field value so as not to overstate the quantity produced. The default value is "1".
Be aware that the work center's overhead will also be divided by this field value, so when you are assigning overhead rates in RO-C Enter Work Centers to a work center that is used by teams, make sure the rate is set at a machine or work center rate rather than an employee-related rate.
Qty Scrapped
The unplanned scrap of the parent product that occurred during this transaction. If you enter a value in this field, you will be prompted for a scrap code (see explanation below). If your default is set to close the work order short by the scrap quantity, the start quantity by sequence from this sequence onward will be reduced. If the intent is to issue additional material to make up for the scrapped item so that the total work order quantity will be completed, then the sequence start quantity and work order balance required will not be reduced and you need to issue the replacement material as a quantity scrapped in WO-G Issue Materials.
Scrap Code
The code from the scrap code file in the Routings module which describes the scrap entry in the previous field. Scrap codes provide a means of tracking unplanned scrap to specific reasons so that progress in reducing or controlling scrap can be monitored.
Is this sequence now complete?
If the setting for updating the actual sequence start and finish date is set to Y in SD-E Scheduling Defaults you will be prompted to indicate whether the sequence is complete. If it is marked as complete, regardless of the number of parts or % complete reported, the scheduling programs will not attempt to include the sequence in the schedule.
General Program Operation
Press <Enter> to accept the computer date as the transaction date for this labor transaction, or enter the correct date if different. Whatever date is entered the first time remains on the screen until another date is entered.
Enter the employee number from the employee file or select the number from a pop-up window by pressing the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button). The employee's last name and first name will automatically be displayed in the next two fields.
Enter the work order number or select a work order number from a pop-up window by pressing the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button). The item number of the item being manufactured and its inventory description will automatically be displayed in the next two fields so that you can verify that the correct work order number was entered.
Indicate the sequence number to which the labor or setup was performed. The sequence must be a valid sequence as defined in this work order's routing file.
NOTE: If you realize you have made a mistake on a previous field entry (such as date or employee number) and try to use the up arrow to go back and change it, the program will not allow you to move off of a blank entry (such as Work Order number) because it is attempting to ensure it is a valid entry and "blank" is not valid. Type in ANY valid value for the field you are trying to move up from but do not press <Enter> to advance to the next empty field, then press the up arrow and you can move back and correct an erroneous entry.
Press <Enter> if you wish to accept the default value of R (regular time) for the labor rate. If this labor is to be posted at the employee's overtime rate, enter an O, and if the labor is to be posted at a double time rate, enter a D. If in SD-B Work Orders Defaults you have indicated that work center standard rates are to be used for costing, the program ignores this field. You may also enter indirect labor for holiday, vacation, and sick time to type I work orders; see WO-A Enter Work Orders for details.
Press <Enter> if you wish to accept the default value of "1" for the shift. You may enter a shift number. The system does nothing with these values, but they could be used in reports comparing the performance of one shift with another.
Press <Enter> if you wish to accept the default value of "1" for the # Jobs Worked field. If this employee was working on two or more work orders at the same time, indicate the number of jobs in this field. Based on default settings, the program will divide the labor and overhead rates by this value and charge each work order a share of the direct labor and overhead cost rather than the full cost.
If the labor transaction is for setup, answer Y to the Setup? prompt. The cursor will then move to the Setup Hrs field. If you enter an N, the cursor will bypass the Setup Hrs field.
If you are entering run hours, first indicate if the labor is for Rework.
"N" means the labor is not Rework. While "Y" is the obvious alternate entry, the field will accept any value so you can classify rework by different rework codes for reporting purposes in JC-C Print Labor Transactions and other job Cost report. If you enter anything other than "N", you will be prompted for a QC Code in a pop-up window so that you can specify what caused the rework labor (for statistical purposes). You can enter the QC code or select one from a pop-up window by pressing F2 (or clicking on the Lookup button). QC codes are set up in RO-F Enter QC Codes. Tracking rework labor to specific QC codes can be a valuable part of an overall quality assurance program.
Enter the run hours for this transaction in decimal hours. For example, one hour and 45 minutes would be entered as 1.75 hours.
Enter the % complete or quantity completed in units for this transaction.
Press <Enter> if you wish to accept the default value of "1" for the #Persons/Team field. If this employee was part of a work team, enter the number of employees that comprised the work team. The program will divide the quantity completed by the number of employees so that each employee gets credited with a share of the actual production and the total quantity does not get overstated.
Enter the Qty Scrapped, if applicable. If the employee is reporting a total of 25 parts of which 4 were scrap, the Qty Complete should be reported as 21 (the number of good parts) and the Qty Scrapped as 4. You will then be prompted in a pop-up window to enter a Scrap Code from the scrap code file (see RO-G Enter Scrap Codes) which best describes the reason for the scrap. This is optional. You may enter the scrap code or select a scrap code from a pop-up window by pressing the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button). The scrap code description will automatically be displayed. Tracking unplanned scrap to specific scrap codes can be a valuable part of an overall quality assurance program.
Finally, indicate whether to mark the sequence as complete.
Once you've reached the end of the screen, the system will ask you if you want to save the record. You can also save the record from any point on the screen by pressing the F10 key (or clicking on the Save button).
Editing Previous Entries
You may edit previously entered transactions to correct for mistakes. Entries made through the Data Collection module or using WO-M Batch Labor Entry that have already been posted via DC-H Post Labor Transactions or WO-N Post Labor Batches should be corrected using WO-K-K Edit Posted DC Labor.
Clear the screen and start with the cursor in the Work Date field. Press F2 (or click on the Lookup button) and enter the date that the transaction you are looking for took place on. All transactions from that date forward are displayed. Highlight the one you are looking for and press <Enter>.
As soon as you press <Enter> to get to the next field, you will be asked if you wish to back out the transaction. Press <Enter> to accept the Y default. This will completely reverse the processing that occurred and will allow you to make any changes you wish. When you resave the screen, a new transaction gets processed in place of the old one.
To delete a transaction, answer yes to Do you wish to Backout the transaction? Press <Esc> without making a new entry or resaving the original entry.
When a transaction is saved, the following processing occurs.
The labor and setup hours are multiplied by either the employee's wage rate or the standard rates for the work center the work was performed in. Fixed and variable overhead are multiplied either by the hourly rate defined in the work center or by a rate equivalent to a fixed percentage of the labor cost. The costs used are determined in SD-B Work Orders Defaults.
The actual labor and setup hours and quantity completed are posted to the work order routing record for the sequence. The Percent Completion for the sequence is recalculated.
The costs for labor, setup, fixed overhead, and variable overhead are posted to the work order header file and can be viewed in WO-A Enter Work Orders. The variance and percent variance with estimated costs are recalculated.
If a machine number was specified for this sequence, the run hours are posted to the machine file in the Routings module.
If a tool number was specified for this sequence, the quantity completed is posted to the tool file in the Routings module.
The labor and overhead costs are debited to the work-in-process account and the absorbed labor and overhead costs are credited to the accounts specified in the Item Class for the inventory master record for the item being manufactured.