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SD-B Work Order Defaults
Purpose of Program
Use this program to establish various set up parameters used by the Work Orders module.
Field Explanations Setup Tab
Work Order Status Code
Each work order is assigned a status code when it is created. Status code F is the most common default setting. The values are:
S = Scheduled. The work order is scheduled for the future and no labor and materials have been allocated.
F = Firmed. Labor and material are allocated.
R = Released. Labor and material are allocated and the work order is released to the shop floor with an actual start date.
Default Priority Code [1/2/3]
Each work order is given a priority code for scheduling purposes. Open work orders will be sorted by scheduled finish date within priority code on certain reports. This field sets the default priority code. Priority code 2 is the most commonly used default.
Default Class Code
This is a user-defined classification code for any purpose you may have. It is used as a filter on various reports. It is a one character alphanumeric field.
View only in Enter WO Bills of Mat?
Set this field to Y if you don't want users to have the ability to make changes to the work order bill of material after it is created. They will be able to view bill of material detail, but will not be able to edit the screen.
View only in Enter WO Routings?
Set this field to Y if you don't want users to have the ability to make changes to the work order routing after it is created. They will be able to view routing detail, but will not be able to edit the screen.
Prevent Editing of Desc in WO-A (Y/N)
If this is Y then the item description in WO-A can not be modified.
WO Types that Affect Bus Status
Indicate whether Status S or I Work Orders should be included in the Business Status WIP total.
Allow WO for Make From Items
Indicate whether Work Orders should be allowed for Make-From items
Disable Recalc Est Cost in WO-A (Y/N)
If this is Y then WO-A will not recalculate Estimated cost, thus always retaining the original estimate of cost for a job.
Use Material Burden & Burden Item #
This sets up a type N part to be used as a placeholder for the material burden transactions generated when issuing burdened materials to work orders.
Show Open or Open/Closed WO in WO-A (O/B)
B or Blank will display all work orders in the WO-A Opening list. O will limit to Open Work Orders only. Note that setting this to O will slow the program load because the closed work orders need to be filtered from the list.
Allow Reopen Closed/Canceled WO (Y/N/P)
If Y or Blank, anybody with access to WO-A Enter Work Orders can reopen Closed or Canceled Work Orders. If N they can not be reopened and if P, a Password (as entered on the next line) is required.
Allow Edit of Component Description in WO-G (Y/N)
If Y then WO-G woll save an edited description of items issued to work orders. This can be useful if generic part numbers are used.
Work Order Defalt Location
If a value is entered here, then rather than the master Inventory Default location, Work Orders entered at WO-A Enter Work Orders will be assigned to the location defined here.
Field Explanations - Processing Tab
Labor Prompt in Kit Issues?
You can include labor item numbers (inventory type L) as part of kit issues in order to charge the work order the standard labor defined in the work order bill of material. If you enter an N in this field, labor will automatically be part of kit issues within WO-G Issue Materials and when backflushing materials in WO-I Enter Finished Production. If you enter Y to this default, a pop-up window will ask you if you wish to include the labor, giving you the opportunity to answer no and report the labor separately for a simple form of labor job costing.
Backflush in Enter Finished Prod? (Y/N/A/B)
If you wish to use backflushing of bill of material components in WO-I Enter Finished Production, enter a Y here so that a pop-up window will ask if you want to backflush the components. If you enter an N, the window will not be presented and backflushing cannot be performed. If you enter an A here, you are indicating that you ALWAYS want backflushing to be performed. No window will pop up to ask if backflushing is to be performed; it will always be done. A B in this field means to always backflush but only backflush the quantity needed to bring the component quantity issued up to the quantity needed for the number of assemblies produced. This feature enables mixing issuing components manually (perhaps for high dollar items that should be carefully tracked) and backflushing the needed quantity of other components.
Close WO in Enter Finished Prod?
Normally work order closing is a separate step performed in WO-J Close/Cancel Orders. You can have a pop-up window present the option of closing the work order during WO-I Enter Finished Production by entering a Y in this field. If you answer N, the window will not be presented and you will have to close the work order as a separate step. If you have set the Process WIP Variance in WO-J to Y, you will not be able to set this to Y.
Use Std Cost in Ent Fin Prod?
When entering completed production through WO-I Enter Finished Production, you have a choice of putting the items into finished goods inventory at standard cost, or at an automatically calculated or manually entered actual cost. If you want to always enter finished goods at standard cost, enter a Y. If you ever want to use actual costs, enter N.
Use Actual Costs in Labor Entry?
If set to Y, the system will use labor rates from the employee file for job costing in the Work Orders and Job Costing modules. If set to N, the system will use standard labor rates from the work centers the labor takes place in.
Post Overhead as % of Labor?
If set to Y, the overhead rates (fixed and variable overhead) for each work center will be calculated as a percentage of labor (rather than as an hourly rate) and will be applied accordingly to each dollar of labor entered in the Work Orders module. If set to N, the overhead rates defined in the work centers are hourly rates that will be applied to each hour of labor reported.
Divide Labor Cost by # Jobs Worked
If an employee is working two work orders at the same time, by entering a Y to this default you can have the employee's labor cost divided in half (or thirds, or fourths, etc.). If you enter N, each work order will be charged the full labor rate. This default affects both WO-F Enter Labor and DC-A Enter Labor/Production and DC-C Enter Labor Only.
Use Lead Time Scheduling (F/B/N)?
Set this field to F for forward Lead Time Scheduling, B for Backward Lead Time Scheduling or N to use the lead time from the inventory master rather than the calculated lead time when creating work orders. See How Lead Time Scheduling Works for additional information.
Backflush by Sequence in Enter Labor?
If you plan on using the backflush by routing sequence feature in which bill of material components are tied to specific sequences, enter a Y in this field and you will be prompted for backflushing of components via a pop-up window during WO-F Enter Labor and can backflush materials by sequence when posting labor using WO-N Post Labor Batches or DC-H Post Labor Transactions. If you do not plan on using this feature, enter an N.
Use Projected or Estimate $ and Hours (P/E)?
Enter a P in this field if you want to use WO-K-G Recalculate Projected Hours to recalculate work order labor hours after labor has been entered. Leave blank or enter E if you do not want to allow use of this program.
WO-G Setting for Kit Issues (N,Y,L)
This predefines the Kit Issue setting on the WO-G screen to N, Y or K.
Check Comps at Finished Production
If this is set to Y then at WO-I Enter Finished Production and WO-J Close/Cancel Orders, you will be warned if sufficient components have not been issued to the work order to support the number of assemblies completed.
Specify Comp Loc in WO-G/WO-I
If this is set to Y then the Inventory Location for components being issued or backflushed to Work Orders can be specified as something different than the Work Order Location for each component. If K then one location can be specified for all components of a kit issue. If N then the components will pull from the work order location.
Check if Qty per Seq > WO Qty (Y/N/W)
If this is set to Y then entering a quantity complete against a labor sequence greater than the WO quantity will not be allowed. If it is set to W, a warning will pop up but the entry will be allowed. N means do not check.
Reduce WO balance by FP Scrap (Y/N)
If this is Y then the quantity entered as scrap in WO-I Enter Finished Production will also be added to the Work Order Quantity Completed so that the balance to be completed on the work order as used by MRP, Inventory Inquiry and other programs will be reduced by the scrap quantity.
Allow WO Dates to update SO (Y/N)
If this is Y then when a WO finish date is changed in WO-A Enter Work Orders or any of the scheduling module programs that change Work Order dates, you will be prompted to also update the corresponding Sales Order Estimated Ship Date for Work Orders converted from Sales Orders.
Process FP Scrap Serial Number in WO-I (Y/N)
Indicate whether or not you want finished production items scrapped in WO-I to be assigned a serial number.
Reduce WO Balance by Lab scrap in WO-F (Y/N)
Indicate whether the net quantity to be made on the work order should be reduced when a part is scrapped in WO-F
Process WIP Variance in WO-J
If this is set to Y, then when closing work orders at WO-J Close/Cancel Orders any variance posting will be distributed to on-hand inventory if it exists up to the work order quantity. If there is insufficient on-hand stock, the remaining residual cost will post to WIP Variance. If this is set to Y then the Close WO at Enter Finished Production setting will be set to N.
Divide Overhead by Number of Jobs Worked
If this is set to Y then if employees are simultaneously working on multiple work orders, the Overhead cost will be divided by the number of jobs.
Divide Setup by Number of Jobs Worked
If this is set to Y then if employees are simultaneously working on multiple work orders, the Setup cost will be divided by the number of jobs.
Include FP Scrap in cost of good parts (Y/N/A)
If this is set to Y, the cost of any assemblies entered as scrap in WO-I Enter Finished Production will be amortized among the good parts completed. If N a separate transaction will be posted for the scrap. A means Ask which way the costs should be processed each time scrap is entered. In any case, a Receipt transaction record with a scrap code will be generated for the scrap assemblies and, if any backflushing of materials is turned on the materials for the scrapped assemblies will also be pulled.
Remove Scrap $ in WO-F (Y/N)
Indicate whether the cost of an item scrapped in WO-F should be removed from the Work Order or left behind to ultimately be rolled into the eventual cost of the good parts.
Process Paperless in Seq/Batch
Indicate whether labor and test reporting in HH-I Paperless Shop Floor Tracking is to be tracked strictly by Work Order and Sequence or if more detailed tracking by smaller batches within a work order is required.
Enter Reg/OT hours together in WO-F
Indicate whether WO-F will enter both Regular and Overtime hours together in a single entry.
Use WO Number as Lot Number in WO-P (Y/N/A)
Indicate whether the Work Order number should automatically be assigned as the Lot Number when performing Enter Finished Production. N or Blank means that a Lot Number needs to be manually entered. Y means that the Work Order Number will be used and the operator will not be prompted and A indicates that there will be a prompt but the WO number will be the suggested entry that can be overridden.
Allow Dec Entry # Jobs Worked
If this is Y, then the Number of Jobs worked can be entered as a decimal number to force the calculation to allocate costs disproportionally
Control Over-Issues in WO-G (Y/N/A)
Indicate Y to prevent issuing more of a component than the BOM requires, N or blank to allow overissues and A to Ask when issuing more than required.
Use Markup to Calculate Scrap %
If this is set to Y then the scrap percentage of components entered in BM-A Enter Bills of Material will be used as a markup (percent of base quantity required) in the calculation when Work Orders are generated. If blank or N, it will use a Margin calculation (percent of total needed). Thus if the total quantity of a component required for a work order was 100 pieces and a 20% scrap was indicated, if Markup was indicated, the scrap quantity would be 20 (20% of the base quantity). If Margin was used, the scrap quantity would be 25 (20% of the total quantity of 125 issued).
Display Base Price in WO-I (Y/N)
If this is Y then the base price of the item being manufactured will be displayed as a reference in WO-I Enter Finished Production
Field Explanations - Processing II Tab
Display WO Number when Saving New WO (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then the WOrk Order number assigned to a new work order will be displayed when saving in WO-A Enter Work Orders
Check Quantities per Sequence (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then labor reporting will compare the sequence start quantity with the quantity reported as complete.
Prevent WO-G from taking Inventory negative (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then regardless of quantity entered on the screen, the actuual issue quantity will not take inventory negative.
Apply full overhead to team labor (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then WO-F Enter Labor will apply the full work center overhead to each member of a team when team based labor is reported.
Link Work Center Dept to GL Dept(Y/N)
If this is set to Y then the Absorbed Labor and Overhead postings made in WO-F Enter Labor or using Data Collection wpost to the default GL Account and the Department based on the Work Center Depart,ment
Pull Comps from Dflt Location regardless of WO Loc (Y/N/S) (Y/N)
If this is blank or N then components will pull from the Work Order Location. If it is Y then components will pull from the Default Location regardless of the work order Location and a setting of S means that Service/Repair work orders will pull from the Default Location.
Prompt for user password in WO-F (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then users must re-enter their password to enter labor.
Prevent re-using Serial Number for the same item in WO-I (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then the same serial number can not be entered more than once for an item even if the current on-hand is zero (as in the case of a return or repair)
AutoGen of Serial Numbers in WO-S and process in WO_I (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then WO-S Label printing will generate the serial numbers for finished items whenthe labels are printed and WO_I will then use those Serial Numbers for hte finished production.
Process FP Scrap Lot No in WO-I, WO-F, DC-H (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then Lot Controlled items scrapped in WO-I, WO-F and DC will require assignment of a Lot number
Allow Holiday Hours for regular WO in WO-F (Y/N)
If this is set to Y then Holiday Labor can be entered against a Released Work Order, not only a Indirect Work Order
Limit Num of Decimal Places for WO-F (0,1,2)
Enter the number of decimal places for the hours entered in WO-F
Allow More QTY than needed in QWO (Y,N,W)
If this is set to N then the Quick Work Order will prevent creating a work order that will put more parts into stock than are on Sales Order. If W it will Warn and blank or Y does not check
Finished Production to post Standard Labor for Employee #
If an employee number is entered here, then WO-I Enter Finished Production will use that employee number, the Routing time standard and the quantity complete being reported to post labor and overhead to the work order.
Limit WO-J to closing 1 Work Order
If this is set to Y then WO-J Close/Cancel Orders can not be run for a range of work orders
Field Explanations - Printing Tab
Print BOM Remarks? - Traveler
If Y, any remarks attached to bill of material components will print underneath the component in the bill of material section of the shop traveler.
Print BOM Comments? - Traveler
If Y, any comments added to the work order bill of material will print underneath the component in the bill of material section of the shop traveler.
Print Job Schedule? - Traveler
If there are multiple work orders sharing the same work order prefix and you want them printed in the header section of the shop traveler, enter a Y in this field. These would represent related work orders that are to be completed as a group. If this information is not needed, enter an N.
Print Short Form? - Traveler
Enter a Y if you want the short format traveler, enter an N if you prefer the long format traveler.
Print Bill of Mat? - Traveler
If you don't want the bill of materials printed on the shop traveler, enter an N in this field.
Print Mat in Seqs? - Traveler
If work order bills of material components are tied to specific routing sequences and you want them printed on the shop traveler within the sequences in which they are used or consumed, enter a Y in this field.
Print Machine and Tool - Traveler
If you are assigning machines and tools in your routings and want them printed on shop travelers, enter a Y. If you don't use machines and tools, enter an N.
Print Inspection Fields - Traveler
Optional inspection fields can print on the shop traveler which allow entry of sign-offs for quantity, first article, last article, accepted, rejected. If you don't want these fields, enter an N.
Print Multi Routings? - Traveler
In RO-A Enter Routings you can specify different sequences to print on different routing numbers. When you print the shop traveler it will produce multiple routings within the same work order number instead of a single routing. If you intend to use this feature, enter a Y in this field.
Print Routing Seqs Order (A/D)
When printing graphical format travelers using WO-C Print Travelers you can specify whether the routing sequences print in ascending or descending order. Most shops will choose ascending order; however descending is offered for those who wish to use the traveler as a ear-off?labor ticket.
Print Short Header on Travelers
If this is Y then multi-page travelers will have an abbreviated Heading section on pages after the first page.