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PO-J-B Print Inventory in QC
Purpose of Program
Use this program to print a listing of PO line items that have been received to QC inspection but have not yet been transferred to inventory or rejected back to the vendor via PO-J-C Enter Inspection Buyoffs.
This report contains the following information, divided and sorted by vendor code, item number, or PO number:
Vendor name and code
PO number and description
For PO line item detail:
Item number and description
Quantity in QC inspection
Cost per item, any discount and the extended cost
Receipt date
Work order and sequence number
General Program Operation
You are first prompted whether you want the report to be sorted by vendor code, item number, or purchase order number. You can then further limit the report by from/thru ranges of vendors, item numbers, job numbers, purchase order numbers, and order dates. You can specify whether you want line item detail printed or just a subtotal by the sort option selected. You can print the report as of a prior date.