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PS-A  System Users/Passwords

Purpose of Program  - Evo-ERP

Use this program to create Logon ID's and Passwords for your users.  Whatever entries you make in this program are used to log into the User Menus created in PS-G Maintain Menu Access Records.

Against each Logon ID you can set preferences as to which company the user is to be taken to when starting the system and which security level should be used if a user specific level has not been assigned.

General Program Operation

You are first presented with a System Users lookup window that will display any existing Logon ID records.  By default, a new system has 2 users:  ADMIN and STARTUP.

To set up a new user, click on the Add button or press Alt-A.  You are taken to a second screen.  Enter the Logon ID that identifies the user and the Startup Company code.

The Security Level [1-999] is used in the Evo-ERP lookup drill-down grids to control which user can see and/or change which data.  Level 1 is the administrator level that can see and edit all data and level 999 is the least privileged user.  A blank level is treated as 999 which is the most limited access.  Levels 1-5 allow editing of data in the lookup grids and should only be assigned to the administrator level users if at all.  Lookup grids can be assigned a security level in SU-A Maintain Grid Lookups (default is 999) and once a security level is assigned to a grid, only users with that level or smaller number will be able to view the grid.

The Security Code controls what menu access in Evo-ERP a user will have if no user-defined Menu exists for the user name in PS-G Maintain Menu Access.  A=Admin; P=Power User; 1=Sales Rep 1; 2=Sales Rep 2; C=Customer; V=Vendor; U=User, E=Engineer.  If nothing is defined then User will be used.  Customer and Vendor login names must match their Customer or Vendor Code and Login Names for Sales Rep 1 or 2 must be their Sales Rep number.  This will enable access to certain reports such as SA-M  Print User-Defined Detail and SA-N  Print User-Defined Summary with filters preset for from/through Sales Rep or Customer so that they can only look at their own information.  Currently this capability exists only for the Sales Reps but Customer and Vendor will be added.   If a user is designated "E" then they will have limited access in IN-B  Enter Inventory and BM-A  Enter Bills of Material to only create and edit Items that are Active Status "E" and Bills of Material where the parent item is Active Status "E" .  Upon save, you will be prompted to enter the initial password for the user which the user will be prompted to change at first login.

Once users and passwords are established, a user can change his own password in Evo by clicking File - Change Password.

Continue this process until all Logon ID's needed are created, then click Exit or press <Esc> to return to the Password Security menu.

To delete a Logon ID record, highlight the record desired and then click on Delete or press <Delete>.


Password Reset

Reset Password - The Administrator who is creating users and passwords can not see the user's password but can click Reset Password and assign a new one.  Once that has occurred, the user will be prompted at the next login that the password has been reset by ADMIN and the user needs to select a new password.