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SD-P Customer/AR Defaults
Customer Tab
To quicken entry of new customers through AR-A Enter Customers you can set up defaults for the following fields: Class, Price Code, Discount Code, Salesperson #1, Terms, and Taxable. A new customer record will default to these values when saved, unless they are overridden.
Allow editing of Start Date in AR-A
If you set this to N then the user will not be able to edit Customer Start Date
Make Territory Mandatory in AR-A
If this is set to Y then customers will be required to have a Territory assigned.
Accounts Receivable Tab
Credit Card Processing Path
If you are using the X-Charge Credit Card processing in AR-C Record Payments and AR-N Enter/Print Sales Order Deposits enter the path to the X-Charge Server data folder. If this path is blank, the credit card processing is disabled.
Default Search Key in AR-A Opening List
This controls the sort order of customers on the AR-A Enter Customers opening list screen. Click Lookup and choose the desired index.
Edit Credit Card Info (C/A/B/N)
Indicate which screens will have access to the full Customer Credit Card Information ?C (CM-A Enter Contact Accounts ), A (AR-A Enter Customers ), Both or Neither. In all cases the AR-T program will have access to the information. If access is denied in either AR-A or CM-A, the last 4 digits of the card and expiration date will still be visible so a customer service or sales rep could confirm that a card was on file and what the expiration date was without having full access to the data. If the link between CM-A and AR-A is not disabled, then only B and N will be allowed.
Pop-up in AR-C for Cr. Hold
Enter Y to have AR-C present a message when a payment is received from a customer on Credit Hold prompting to remove the hold. V means the AR clerk will be advised that the customer was on credit hold but will not be able to change the status. N or blank means no message will appear.
Pop-up in AR-C for Comm
Enter Y to allow AR-C to edit commission amounts when processing payments. Enter C to limit the editing to only when credits are applied to invoices. N or blank means no editing is allowed. Next, indicate whether the editing applies to sales rep 1, 2 or both.
Prevent Order Entry for CR Hold
Enter Y to have SO-A Enter Sales Orders prevent order entry for customers on credit hold rather than just pop up a warning.
Statement Print Format Number
You are offered three print format choices in a lookup window. Highlight the format you want and click on it or press <Enter>.
Print Co. Name/Addr on Statements?
Enter Y if you want your company name and address to print in the upper left corner on statements. If you have forms with your company name already printed, or have added your logo to graphical format, enter N.
Print Title on Statements?
This option allows you to control whether the forms title STATEMENT will print or not. Suppressing the title allows the title to be pre-printed so that different forms are readily identifiable when pulled from the shelf to be used.
Interest Rate on Overdue Accounts
The monthly interest rate percentage to be charged on overdue receivables in AR-D Charge Interest on Invoices. For example, if you are charging 18% per year, then this amount would be 1.5. (1.5 percent x 12 months = 18 percent)
#Days Past Due before Interest is Charged
The number of days an invoice must be past due (per terms) before interest is charged for that customer.
How should Statements calculate the Age of an Invoice?
Choose either Number of days since invoice date or number of days past due per terms.
User ID for X-Charge
If you are using the X-Charge Credit Card processing, enter the User ID
Password for X-Charge
If you are using the X-Charge Credit Card processing, enter the Password
Aging Periods
You can establish up to five different aging periods, used when printing aging reports through AR-F Print Aging and on statements through AR-E Print Statements. Defining these aging periods will allow you to view, sort, and print out invoices that are over 30 days old, etc. The first aging period should always be set to 0 days in order to include all invoices. These defaults can be changed on-the-fly when printing aging reports.
AR-C Days to Pay Calculation method
Enter U for an unweighted average and enter S for the average days to pay calculation to be skewed to more recent payments.