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CM-A Enter Contact Accounts
Purpose of the Program
Use this program to maintain general master file information on sales prospects and customers. From this program you can enter contact history notes, reminders, assign classification codes, enter multiple contacts, and track key dates.
Field Explanations
Acct Code
A user-defined code that identifies this sales prospect or customer. While Customers and Contacts are stored in separate files, the same coding method must be used so that wherever you have a customer with entries in both the Contact Manager and customer master files, they have the same account code.
When a prospect becomes a customer, you can create an instant customer record from this program. Click the Customer button, and a new customer record is automatically created with all common information between the two files transferred over.
The actual company or account name. This is a 30 character alphanumeric field.
Alpha Sort
Various reports sort either by customer code or by this alpha sort field. Enter the first few letters by which you want reports sorted alphabetically. The first six letters of the Company field default into this field, where they may be overridden.
Address 1 - 3
Three address lines. These are 30 character alphanumeric fields.
The account's city. This is a 26 character alphanumeric field.
The account's two character state code.
The account's zip or postal code. This is a 10 character alphanumeric field.
If you have customers in multiple countries, enter the country name or code here. This is a 30 character alphanumeric field.
The first or primary contact for this account. Unlimited additional contacts may be defined by clicking on the Contact button, which brings up the additional contacts window.
Contact 1's title.
Contact 1's primary telephone number. Contacts can each have up to 10 telephone numbers (office, Mobile, home, etc.), maintained in the multiple contacts window accessed by clicking on the Contact button). This is a 25 character alphanumeric field.
The account's fax number. This is a 25 character alphanumeric field.
If multiple currency has been turned on in IM-A International Configuration then this is the Currency assigned to this contact.
SIC Code
The Standard Industrial Code for this account. This is used for reporting purposes and is a seven character alphanumeric field.
Start Dt
The date the account record was created. It defaults to today's date, but can be overridden.
Ship Via
Thedefault shipping method to be used.
Lead Source
You can set up user defined lead source codes through SM-I-A Enter Lead Source Codes to identify where the account sales prospect originated from (advertising, referral, etc.). This is used for reporting purposes and is a five character alphanumeric field.
RTM Print Group
An optional field that can be used to use different print formats for different customers or contacts for quotes, invoices, and other forms.
Price Code
The price code assigned to be used for generating Quotes and Sales Orders
Discount Code
The price code assigned to be used for generating Quotes and Sales Orders
Default Terms
The payment terms assigned to be used for generating Quotes and Sales Orders
Taxable & Tax Group
The Sales Tax status assigned to be used for generating Quotes and Sales Orders
The account can be assigned a user-defined territory code for reporting purposes, set up through SM-I-B Enter Territory Codes. This is a four character alphanumeric field.
Class Codes
This window displays user-defined classification codes that have been assigned to this account. These are used primarily for mailing list sorting and for reports. To set up class codes, use SM-I-G Enter Class Codes. To assign class codes to an account, click on the Class button while in this program to bring up the class codes entry window.
Key Dates
Key date codes can be set up to record significant events, such as the first sales meeting, first order, etc. The key date codes, dates, and descriptions display in this window. Key date codes are set up through SM-I-H Enter Key Date Codes. To assign key date codes and dates to an account, click on the Date button while in this program to bring up the key dates entry window.
Web Site
Enter the company website URL which can be accessed by clicking the Internet Explorer icon in the toolbar in the upper right.
Other Buttons
Find Previuos
Moves to the previous contact record in the file
Brings up the lookup grid
Find Next
Moves to the next record int eh file
Clears the screen to enter a new contact record
Deletes the current record (only if there is no pending sales activity)
Clears the screen but does not delete the record
Credit Card
If you are using the X-Charge credit card processing, then this can be used to wnter or view credit card information. If not, you can store the last 4 digits and expiration date as a reference but the full card information is not allowed due to security regulations.
Opens the Notes screen to view or add Notes relating to the contact
Opens the Links window to view or add links to the contact
Google Maps
Opens Google Maps passing the contact address so you can get directiopns
Once a part number and quantity are entered, the pricing in effect based on price and discount codes is displayed
Displays a list of individual contact names. Selecting a contact opens a screen with 10 slots for phone numbers, 10 email addresses, 10 miscellaneous entries and 10 datest per contact.
Opens a Reminders calendar window so you cna add, edit or dismiss reminders
Opens a Class window to view, add or delete a class
Key Dates
Opens a Key Dates Window to add, edit or delete Key Dates
Sales Orders
Opens a window listing open Sales Orders
Opens a window listing shipments
Opens a window displaying quotes
General Program Operation
Entering Account Information
To bring up a record, either enter the Acct Code or press F2 (or click on the Lookup button) for a pop-up window.
Once the account is displayed, as soon as you press <Enter>, any Class Codes or Key Dates will display in their respective windows, for information purposes only.
If this is a new entry, enter all the relevant fields according to Field Descriptions above. If this an existing record, make changes as required. You can save the entry at any point by pressing the F10 key (or clicking on the Save button).
Entering Notes
You can enter notes of phone conversations and meetings through history notes. To access notes for an account, click on the Notes button while the account record is on the screen.
You are first presented with an opening list of previous notes, if there are any. To enter a new record, click on the Add button.
Entering Reminders
Entering Reminder lets you program in a follow-up date and time that alerts you to perform some form of follow-up activity, such as a return phone call.
Entering Class Codes
Class codes allow you to classify an account an unlimited number of ways, primarily for mailing list selection and reporting classifications. To assign class codes to an account, click on the Class button while an account record is on the screen to display the class codes entry window.
Enter a class code or select one from a pop-up window by pressing F2. After pressing <Enter> through the description, you will be asked if you wish to save the record. Continue assigning as many class codes as you wish. When you wish to return to the Enter Contact Accounts screen, press <Esc>.
Entering Additional Contacts
You can enter additional contact names, titles, phone numbers, email addresses, miscellaneous information and dates by clicking on the Contact button while an account record is on the screen. This will bring up the additional contacts entry window listing the available people. Click Select to bring up the next screen with the contact detail information.
Entering Key Dates
Key date codes and dates can be used to record important events for statistical reporting purposes. To enter key dates, click on the Date button while an account record is on the screen to access the key dates entry window.
Enter a date code or select one from a pop-up window by pressing F2 (or clicking on the Lookup button). The description will display automatically. Enter the date. You will be asked if you wish to save the record. Enter additional codes and dates, or press <Esc> to return to the Enter Contact Accounts screen.
Switching to AR-A, Enter Customers or AR-Q View Customer Information
You can toggle back and forth between Enter Contact Accounts and AR-A Enter Customers or AR-Q View Customer Information depending on your user menu access by clicking on the Cust button) while an account record is on the screen. If the account has a corresponding record in the customer file, the record will be fully displayed without having to enter the account code. From AR-A, Enter Customers, you can return to CM-A, Enter Contact Accounts, by closing the Customer screen.
Make Customer Button
If this contact is not yet a customer, you can click the Make Customer button to create a record in AR containing the same code and pertinent information. This feature can be disabled via the Allow Make Customer in CM setting in SD-O Contact Manager Defaults