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SD-F Data Collection Defaults
Allow dec entry # of Jobs Worked (Y/N)
If this is Y then Labor entry can enter a decimal number of jobs worked to force the calculation of labor on multiple jobs to be disproportionate.
Allow clocking in/out on multiple jobs?
If you allow employees to work on two or more routing sequences at the same time, set this field to Y. If set to N, they will be required to clock out of one sequence before clocking into another. This can also be set at the individual employee level in SM-G Enter Employees.
Be aware that on each clock-in or clock-out, all open sequences will be automatically clocked out and clocked back in so that the labor cost can accurately be distributed among the sequences open during each time segment between clock-ins and clock-outs.
The result of this is that there can be multiple transaction records for a single segment of time an employee reports to a particular sequence. Also be aware that when a sequence gets split into several transactions as described above, the parts produced will only be reported to the last transaction.
Use full screen?
If set to Y, all transactions for an employee's shift are displayed in the lower portion of the screen. Displayed will be the work order number, sequence, start time, finish time, posting status, parts produced, parts scrapped, and run time.
If set to N, the program prompts will be confined to a two-line area in the center of the screen and no other information will be displayed.
We recommend using full screen mode unless you have some type of monitor that cannot display the complete screen.
Enable Employee Shift Start/Stop?
If set to Y then when an employee clocks in the first time each morning, a shift transaction will also be opened. At the end of the day, when clocking out of the shift, all open work orders will also be clocked out. This feature enables a single shift record of the overall start and stop time for the employee for the day for payroll purposes and eliminates the need for using Indirect work orders to collect non-productive time. Shift start/stop data can be printed out in DC-D Print Labor Status or exported to a text file for transfer to Checkmark payroll or used as the input file of your payroll service. It can also be directly transferred to PR-K Print/Post Time Cards to transfer to payroll.
AutoPost Reported Labor DCA (Q,B,N) (Evo-ERP only)
If this is blank or set to N, then all labor and quantity complete reported in DC-A, B and C must be posted using DC-H Post Labor Transactions. If it is set to Q then quantity complete will post automatically upon clocking out and reporting a quantity complete but labor time and cost must still be posted using DC-H. If it is set to B then both labor and quantity complete will post automatically.
Rework Operation Number for DCA
Enter the sequence number (999 is recommended) for the Rework operation to be automatically added to the routing of a work order if parts are sent to Rework when reporting quantity complete in DC-A Enter Labor/Production or DC-B Enter Production Only
Rework Work Center
Enter the Work Center to use when automatically creating Rework Operations as described in the previous setting. Until both these entries are populated, the option to transfer to Rework will not be available when reporting quantity complete.
Print Production Trans Label (Y/N/A)
If this is Y then a transfer label indicating the next operation will print when quantity complete is reported in DC-A Enter Labor/Production or DC-B Enter Production Only. If it is A then you will be asked whether to print a label and if blank or N, no label printing will be available.
Print Rework Trans Label (Y/N/A)
If this is Y then a transfer label indicating the next operation will print when quantity to be reworked is reported in DC-A Enter Labor/Production or DC-B Enter Production Only. If it is A then you will be asked whether to print a label and if blank or N, no label printing will be available.
Qty Complete WO Qty in DC (W/N/S)
If this is W then the Work Order Start Quantity will be the suggested quantity complete when reporting quantity in DC-A Enter Labor/Production or DC-B Enter Production Only. If it is S then the Sequence Start Quantity will be suggested and blank or N makes no quantity suggestion
Disable Auto-finish of seq if Qty is>=Start Qty in DC-A?
If set to Y then reporting quantity complete in DC-A will not automatically designate the sequence as complete. As a result, scheduling programs will have to calculate the quantity yet to be completed on any sequence rather than bypassing completed sequences.
Enter Scrap Codes in DC-A (YNM)?
If set to Y then when scrap is reported in DC-A Enter Labor/Production there will be a prompt to enter a scrap code. M allows entry of Multiple Codes if a scrap quantity greater than one is entered.
Rework to add back Qty to original Operation?
If set to Y then reporting a quantity complete against a Rework operation adds them back to the Start quantity of the operation they came from.
Prompt for Run/Setup when clicking in in DC-A?
If set to Y then users will be asked for Run versus Setup time when clocking in rather than clocking out
Prevent Clock In if Start Qty=Completed Qty in DC-A?
If set to Y then if the operation Quantity Complete is equal to the operation Start Quantity, clocking into the operation is prevented.
Check if QTY per SEQ>WO QTY (N, Y, W, Q) in DC-A?
If set to Y, quantity reported against a sequence can not exceed the Work Order quantity. If W, a Warning is given. If set to Q, the Quantity used as the basis of comparison is the operation start quantiuty rather than the work order start quantity.
Prevent Blank Machine Number in DC-A (Y/N)?
If set to Y then user is required to indicate a Machine when clocking in.
Allow Setup to Enter Parts & Scrap (Y/N)?
If set to Y then when reporting Setup Labor, complete and scrap part quantities can be reported.
Allow Backflush of Lot/Serial Comps in DC-H (L/S/B/N)?
This controls whether Lot or Serial controlled components linked to routing sequences can be backflushed when labor is posted. If the setting is L, only Lot Controlled items will backflush; S only Serial Controlled components, B for Both and N or blank for Neither.
Use Calendar days for Jobs clocked into multi dats (Y/N)?
If set to Y then if an employee clocks out of a work order on a different date than was clocked in, they will be assumed to have worked all the intervening time (as defined by the shift hours for their shift and work days on the Shop Calendar).
Round Shift Start/Stop by X minutes in DC-A/DC-C
If an entry is made here then clocking in and out in DC-A Enter Labor/Production and DC-C Enter Labor Only will round forward when clocking in and backwards when clocking out to the nearest X minute increment of an hour. For example, entry of a 10 would cause clocking in at 7:54 to round forward to 8:00 and clocking out at 3:12 would round back to 3:10. Transactions clocking into a work order causing automatic clocking out of the prior work order do not round.
Limit Shift Rounding to Shift Start/Stop in DC-A/DC-C
If set to Y the rounding as described in the above setting will only apply to shift start/stop entries.
Synchronize WS to Server Date & Time
If set to Y then the workstation date/time will be reset to match the server
Disable Scrap Quantity in DC-A
If set to Y then DC-A Enter Labor/Production can't enter scrap quantity
Check if Qty per seq > WO Qty (N,Y,W,Q,P)
When production is reported against a sequence, this controls whether more than the Work Order Start Quantity can be reported. Options are Yes, No, Warn, Q looks at Operation Start Qty rather than work order start qty, and Password required to go over.
DC-A Allow WO Qty Update Password
If a password is entered, then DC-A production greater than the Work Order Start Quantity can update the WO Start Qty if the password is entered.
Enter Rework Codes in DC-A (YNM)
Y means rework codes can be entered, N means they can not. M allows entry of Multiple Codes if a rework quantity greater than one is entered.
DC-A To Enter Fin Prod for the last Oper [Y/N]
If set to Y then Entering a quantity complete on the last operation of a work order will automatically post the Finished Production for that quantity to stock.
Field Explanations - Shift Tab
Click the Shift Schedule button to access a screen where you can define your labor shifts so that labor reported through DC-A Enter Labor/Production or DC-C Enter Labor Only is correctly calculated for actual working time and overtime.
NOTE: The employee does not designate a shift when using the data collection programs. Instead, each employee is assigned to a shift in SM-G Enter Employees.
Enter the Shift Name and give it a description. You may define up to three shifts.
Create a Buffer period by defining when the buffer begins and when the actual shift starts. A buffer is a period within which employees may clock in, but actual job costing will not start until the shift Start time. The buffer period eliminates crowding at the data collection terminals at the beginning and end of the shift. Make the buffer period as large as is necessary.
You may define breaks and lunch times. If you do so, the data collection programs will automatically stop posting time for these periods without the employees having to clock in and out.
All time is entered in military time. Three thirty in the afternoon would be entered as 15:30:00. Do not use any value greater than 23:59:59. Midnight should be entered as 00:00:00.
Define a buffer period at the end of the shift for clocking out. If an employee clocks out after the buffer period, the data collection programs will consider all his buffer time to have been working time. Define up to three shifts in the same manner. When you are completed, click on the Save button (or press F10) to save the record.
Shift 2 & 3 Threshold Time
If a value is entered, then when the labor is posted on second or third shift prior to that time, the posting program will populate an additional date field for Effective Shift Start Date as the date prior to the actual work date since the shift started before midnight but the employee is working after midnight.