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WO-L-H Print Projected vs Estimated Hours
Purpose of Program
Use this program to compare the current projected hours to complete work orders to the original estimate. You can optionally run the recalculation from within this program rather than running WO-K-G Recalculate Projected Hours separately.
General Program Operation
You can only run this program if you have set the "Use Projected or Estimate $ and Hours?" to P for Projected in SD-B Work Orders Defaults. You can limit the work orders to be recalculated by clearing Status Codes and Priority Codes in the first two fields. You can then enter a from/thru range of work order numbers.
You can further limit the work orders to be scheduled by entering from/thru ranges of Start Dates, Finish Dates, and work order Class Codes.
Once all filters have been entered, you are prompted whether to recalculate the projected hours prior to running the report.
The calculation of Estimated Hours remaining is based on the original estimate (time per part multiplied by the number of parts on the work order) minus the actual time already reported. If the result is negative, the report will display 0. The calculation of Projected hours remaining is the recalculated Estimated Hours minus actual hours so far. The recalculation logic is the same as WO-K-G Recalculate Projected Hours.